“I’m from Bennington. I’m my parents’ only child. My dad died when I was in sixth grade, and it was just my mom and me for a while.”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” I lean down and this time kiss her forehead.

She sighs. “Thanks. I think it hit my mom harder than she let on because she was always trying to put on a strong front for me, but most nights, I remember hearing her cry in her bedroom when she thought that I was sleeping. I cried most of the time, too, because I missed him. I still do, but it’s a hurt that I’ve come to learn to live with.”

I can hear the sadness in her voice, and I wish I could help take it away. I know what it feels like to lose a parent, so I totally understand what she’s going through.

“Yeah, with time, we just make peace with it and learn to live with it.”

Her head bobs on my chest as she nods. “Yeah, we do. Two years ago, my mom remarried. He is a widower too. She’s happy with him, so I’m happy for her.”

“What made you leave Bennington?”

“I have lived there all my life. I wanted a change. Right from when I was a little girl, I have always dreamed about coming to the Big Apple.” She sighs. “So, here I am.”

“I take it that you didn’t want to work as a concierge when you arrived in New York?”

“Nah, I studied Digital Marketing. I wanted to work in an advertising firm or something similar, but every one of the advertising firms I applied to always turned me down because I lacked experience.

“And I had bills to pay, so I took my friends’ advice and started applying for smaller jobs, and I’m glad that I did because now I don’t have to go out through the fire escape anymore because I’m running from my landlord.”

I can’t help but chuckle despite the seriousness of the matter. “You used to go out through the fire to escape your landlord? Tell me you’re joking?”

“I kid you not. I was tired of telling him that I was going to pay the rent soon, and he was threatening to lock me out of my apartment.”

“I’m sorry you had to go through all that. So, are you all paid up now?”

“Yeah, thanks to my new promotion, rent is the least of my worries for now.”

“Do you like your place?”

“Don’t even think about it. You are not getting me a new apartment.”

“A man can try,” I groan, bringing my hand to her hair and gently caressing it.

“Getting a new place isn’t in my plans right now, even though I can afford to now.”

“What’s on your plan?”

“I’m saving up so I can have enough money to fall back on, when I quit and try to pursue my career in advertising. No offense, Grand Princeton is a great place to work, but being a concierge is not a life goal I have for myself.”

“No offense taken. Everyone has a dream for their lives and should always go after them. Just let me know if you need my help. I would be glad to offer any assistance you need.

“Thanks, I will keep that in mind. So, what about you? Have you always wanted to manage a hotel?” She still doesn’t know that I’m the CEO of Reid Holdings, and for some reason, I don’t want to tell her.

“Yeah, I studied Hospitality Management in college, so I guess I’m following the path that I’ve always wanted.”

“Wow, that’s good. I’m a little envious of you.”

“Don’t be. I’m sure very soon you will be doing what you love to do too. You know we have an advertising department at the Grand Princeton. You could get transferred there, you can start off as an intern and…”

“Ethan…” she calls my name in a warning tone, causing me to stop. “We already talked about this. I don’t want people thinking I’m getting favors because I’m sleeping with the boss, even though I already feel bad about that.”

I look down at her face. “You feel bad about this? Are you sure? Because a few minutes ago, you were screaming about how much you love it.”

“Will you just stop?” she says, playfully hitting my chest.

“Fine, I won’t try to do anything for you anymore, but can I at least take you out to dinner when we get out of here?”