So, I push aside the fluttering in my stomach, determined to keep my emotions in check. We need to focus on finding a way out of here, not getting distracted by fleeting desires.



Ipull out my phone for what feels like the hundredth time, hoping against hope that this time, there will be a signal. But as expected, the screen remains stubbornly blank, and it frustratingly feels like it’s mocking my futile attempts to reach the outside world.

I can see the worry etched into Jessy’s face, her brow furrowed and lips pressed into a thin line as she looks at me.

It pains me to see her like this, knowing that I’m partially responsible for getting us into this mess. I was so preoccupied with the thought of spending alone time with her that I didn’t realize how far we had gone from the rest of the group.

But I don’t let my own frustration show. Instead, I try to focus on finding a solution to our predicament.

“We’ll figure something out,” I try to reassure her, my voice laced with determination. “There surely has to be a way to contact help,” I murmur more to myself.

She looks away briefly and then turns to look at me. This time, there’s so much fear in her eyes.

“But what if we’re stuck here indefinitely, at the mercy of the elements, with no one to rescue us? Oh, my God!”The panic is evident in her shaky voice.

“The thought sends a shiver down my spine,” she wraps her arms around herself as if trying to shield herself from some unseen evil.

I can feel my heart clench at the raw fear in her eyes, an ache forming in my chest at the sight of her distress. I want nothing more than to wrap her in my arms and assure her that everything will be okay.

“We won’t be stuck here indefinitely,” I reply firmly. “We’ll find a way to contact help, and we’ll get out of here. I won’t let anything happen to you, Jessy. I promise.”

She gives me a weak smile, slightly shaking her head. “I’m sorry that I sound so pessimistic. It’s just that…” She inhales deeply, “it’s just that I have never been in a situation like this before, and uh…” She chuckles humorlessly. “I think I’ve watched too many horror movies.”

I can’t help but chuckle softly at her admission. “Hey, no need to apologize. We all have our moments of irrational fear,” I reply, offering her a reassuring smile. “But I don’t think now is a good time to remember the horror movies we watched as kids.”

She offers a small smile. “Yeah, you are right. I will try to think happy thoughts.”

“Yeah, you should. This isn’t some scary movie scenario. We’re going to figure this out and laugh about it later, I promise.”

She nods in response.

“We’ll make it through this together,” I say, reaching out to gently squeeze her shoulder. “I won’t leave your side until we’re safe and sound back at the hotel.”


“Let’s see if we can find anything useful in this place,” I suggest, gesturing toward the small structure before us.

“Maybe there’s something we can use to signal for help, or at least wait out the storm.”

Rummaging through the sparse supplies in the cabin, we find a few essentials—a blanket, a flashlight with fading batteries, some protein bars, bottles of water, and a first aid kit with basic supplies. It’s not much, but it’s better than nothing.

As we settle down on the musty couch, I hand Jessy a protein bar and a bottle, watching as she takes a few tentative bites.

The rain relentlessly beats against the walls, and it feels like the heavens are opening up and pouring buckets of water on us.

“The fire is going out,” she mentions.

I glance over at the dying fire in the fireplace, its feeble glow barely illuminating the dim interior of the cabin.

“And those were the last pieces of firewood,” I say in a resigned voice.

“How then are we going to stay warm?” she asks, worry written all over her face.

“Well, it’s a good thing that we both have each other,” I say, stretching out my arms.