Page 6 of Fakecation

“Daniel Anderson,” Amelia muttered. She rubbed her forehead, unable to look at her mother. “Listen, Mom, I know you’re excited, but I think we should just chill and talk ab— What are you doing?”

She was on her phone, lips curved into a smile. “Finding him on social media. I just sent him a friend request.”


“And when he accepts, I’m going to ask him myself. If you’re dating someone, then I definitely want them to be invited on our trip.”

This should have been where Amelia admitted she was lying. But now she was flustered. And she didn’t do well when she was flustered.

“I’ll . . . ask him myself.”

“Great!” she said. “Oh, it says he works at the same company you do.”

“Has he already accepted your friend request?”

“No. It’s just on his profile. I can’t stop looking at it. I’m just so excited you’re dating again! What does he do at your company?”

She answered robotically as the horror of her situation dawned on her. “He’s a director too.”

“Oh, wow. That’s so impressive for his age. Unless he’s older.”

Amelia had no clue how old he was.

“I’m not even sure,” she said. Daniel couldn’t be more than thirty-five, unless he was aging slowly.

“Oh, don’t look so embarrassed. You know I’m not going to judge you as long as you’re happy.”

“I’m . . . I’m fine. Just thinking about how I’m going to ask him about the trip.” Or tell him that her mother thought they were dating.

“Talking to your boyfriend shouldn’t be stressful.”

“It’s just new,” she said. “All of it is.”

“Have you guys spent a night together?”

“Mom, are you okay? You seem really worried about this. More so than usual.”

There could be many reasons for that. The main one being something that hadn’t happened in a while.

A manic episode.

“Me?” she asked. “No, I’m fine, honey. I’m just excited for this trip. And worried about my only daughter.”

Amelia nodded, but wondered if maybe her mom didn’t realize it yet. Sometimes, this happened, and she didn’t see it until later.

“All I ask is that you mention it to him. Or I will.”

That made her focus snap back to the problem at hand. “I’ll talk to him.”

Daniel was probably going to laugh at her, or worse, report her to someone. He never talked about personal things at work, and he wasn’t going to be happy that her mother had friend-requested him on Facebook.

But Amelia had done enough lying for the day. When she got back, she would tell Daniel exactly what had happened and deal with the consequences later.

Chapter Two


“Hi, Daniel,” Dana said, giving him a shy smile as she walked next to him in the hallway. “How are you?”