“No, that’s why I thought you might have given me something.”

"You may still be in shock, and if so, the pain will come later, but your wounds are not deep, so I think you'll be fine overall." Lowell couldn't believe that he had taken on four monster wolves and just got a few scratches out of the effort.

"Thanks again for helping us. I doubt any of us would have survived without you and your friend." Lowell suddenly felt the seriousness of what had happened and how it could have turned out. "When can I go home? When can I see Patrick and John?"

"It would probably be best if you stayed here until morning, and I'll keep an eye on you just to make sure you're okay. Your things are being gathered, and what's salvageable will be taken along with your vehicle to the ranger station." Sean took his hand and held it, which was exactly what Lowell needed. The sensation of strength and support radiated through his body from the simple touch.

“Tomorrow I’ll take you home and I’ll arrange to have your things returned to you.” That sounded fair enough so Lowell nodded and then suddenly without warning he couldn’t help blurting out his thoughts.

"You were a wolf. You and your friend were big, ferocious wolves. You tore that monster off me and killed it. I saw your friend go head to head with those beasts. You're a wolf." Lowell paused and stared at the man seated next to him and waited for a denial or an explanation that would make everything seem normal, but silence ensued for the next couple of minutes.

Sean took a deep breath and first glanced away looking toward the door and then turned back to Lowell and caught his gaze once again. “Tell me what you saw.” He said finally. Lowell waited and sat up a little straighter, but he noticed Sean did not release his hand which seemed nice. “Start at the beginning when you first realized you were in danger.”

Lowell started further back and explained their arrival and then the discussion about the fishing gear that Patrick forgot in the car and his use of smores to calm everyone down. That brought a shadow of a smile to the man’s face, and it softened those dark eyes and that firm jaw making him even more attractive.

“We turned in early since the mood was a bit tense. I really had no idea that Patrick and John were interested in the same girl. I would not have brought her up if I’d known.” He explained himself and Sean nodded his understanding.

“It was after two when I heard something outside the tent. It was loud enough and out of place that it woke me.” He fidgeted, feeling a little tension overtake him as he relived the incident. The memory was charged and painful.

“It’s okay, you’re safe. Take your time.” He must have noticed his stress, so Lowell tried to bury the discomfort a little deeper.

"I grabbed the bear spray and the flashlight and stepped out of my tent to look around. Everything got too quiet at that point. The tension was building, and I knew something was watching us I could feel it." Another pause, but he made it brief. "I rousted out Patrick and John and they joined me, but we couldn't see anything for several seconds. Then one of those beasts broke out of the woods and we simply focused on survival at that point.”

“They gave you no chance for escape?”

"No, they were going to kill us. That was made very clear." Lowell looked squarely at Sean and continued but was careful with what he said and how he said it. "You arrived, and the power shifted. They were still coming at us, and the bear spray helped, but only temporarily. John's stick kept them off balance a little, but still, Patrick was hit with a set of claws that tore a big slice in his upper arm." The memory of that wound was upsetting, and fear for his friend was renewed.

“Is Patrick going to be okay?” He pleaded fearing that Sean might be sugar coating the truth.

“You got pressure on it in time, he will be okay.” Sean squeezed his hand and unexpectedly brought it to his lips and kissed Lowell’s knuckles. “Patrick and John are both going to be fine.” Lowell needed to hear that. He let out a long breath before continuing.

"We stood over Patrick and did our best to protect him and ourselves, and I watched you." He stopped and coughed, clearing his throat, which gave him a moment to gather his words. "I was on the ground next to Patrick, and I watched you kill that wolf. You were a wolf, but as you moved and walked toward your friend, you slowly turned into the man you are now. Your friend shifted as well. You were wolves and then you were men, and you were naked."

Lowell again expected an immediate denial and explanation, but like before, he got a steady stare and silence. "Let me get you something to drink. How old are you?"


“I’ll make it whiskey.”

Sean went to the kitchen and poured himself a whiskey. He drank it in one go and then refilled his glass and poured one for Lowell. He loved that name. It was a gentle, sweet name for his sweet mate.

His desire and regard for the young man steadily increased the longer they stayed in close proximity. The pull was powerful and filled him with the urge to stay by his side. He could see that Lowell was experiencing some of the same.

He held tight to Sean's hand throughout his report of the incident, even though it was clear that Lowell was experiencing flashbacks and should be afraid of Sean. There was no fear in his eyes or his actions. He worried about his friends and struggled with confusion, but he was very clear in stating what he saw.

Sean had to decide what he was going to tell him. He didn't want to start their relationship with lies, but Lowell was far from being in a state of mind to accept the fact that the world isn't quite like he thought it was.

He took the two glasses and headed back to the bedroom. Lowell was still seated leaning back against the pillows and waiting. His wounds were healing rapidly due to his mate, being close by and tending to the injury. His healing abilities were enhanced by Sean’s presence, but could he tell him that, probably not right now. There were so many things he wanted to share but Lowell had been through too much as it was.

Sean handed him the whiskey and sat back down on the edge of the bed. Lowell took a long swig and seemed to enjoy the warmth and the flavor. Sean set his glass on the bedside table and took hold of Lowell’s hand once again. “You were attacked by rogue wolves.” He began and watched Lowell’s eyes and expression gauging his acceptance and his grasp of the information.

"Eamon and I were out for a run. I am an enforcer with my pack in Saco, Maine, and Eamon is an enforcer with his pack here in Salida. We often work together on issues regarding the safety and security of our community."

“What is your collective community?” Lowell had been through hell, but his mind was sharp.

“Your eyes did not deceive you.” Sean did not want to overwhelm him, but he didn’t want to insult his intelligence either. “There’s much more going on here than you’re prepared to understand. Just let me say that humans are not the only species existing in this world.” Lowell’s eyes grew and his breath caught as he grabbed and held Sean’s hand with both of his.

"You're a wolf shifter; both you and your friend Eamon are wolf shifters," Lowell said with clear conviction, and Sean knew at that moment that he had to be completely honest. Any lies or subterfuge would work against him when he sought to secure Lowell's love and trust.