"Why don't you stretch out and try to get some sleep? You've had a night and then some. Give yourself time to relax and get used to your new reality." Sean finished with a smile as he stood and began tucking Lowell into bed. Lowel grabbed Sean's hand and looked up at him with concern, as if he were apprehensive.

“Where will you be?”

"I'll take the sofa in the living room. I won't be far away." He told him sensing that a fear was rising. "You're safe here, Lowell."

"Stay, please stay." Lowell pulled at his arm and then reached for his other arm, grabbing hold and trying to pull him closer. "Don't leave me." Sean could not ignore those words. His mate was begging for him, and he would not deny him. Lowell moved over and pulled back the comforter. "I won't bother you; I just want you close. I need you near me, please."

“There is no way in which you could ever bother me, Lowell. You are a lovely young man, and I will stay with you if that is what you wish."

“I need you Sean your touch soothes me, and your smell makes me feel relaxed and safe.” Lowell had closed his eyes but opened them when Sean switched off the lights and got into bed beside him. “Thanks Sean, thank you so much.”

“My pleasure, love.” Sean gathered him close and tucked Lowell’s head against his shoulder. There was nowhere on earth he’d rather be.

Lowell snuggled into Sean's side and wrapped his arm around him. He was resting his head on Sean's shoulder and could feel the steady beat of his heart and the rhythm of his breath. He'd never felt this safe and secure in the whole of his life, and he did not understand it at all.

Even though he did not understand what he was feeling it did not stop him from taking complete advantage of this man. Sean was pure perfection, and he’d give his left arm to have a chance with a man like him. He was a wolf shifter that had to be taken into consideration but in Lowell’s mind it just made him sexier and more mysterious.

Sean was the man from his vivid dreams, there was no doubt, and his dreams were usually messages. The wolf was meant to be. He could feel it in his bones, and Lowell would not deny what he felt, but did Sean feel the same.

His touch was gentle, and his treatment was kind, but Lowell lamented that the only heat being generated was from him. His dream lover was just that, only a dream. It was time to clear his head and his feelings and focus on getting through this new reality of wolves and conflicts.

It was time to buck up and begin to handle himself in a more masculine manner. He should never have begged him to stay. It was so unlike him and left him feeling a bit cringy. His overthinking got the best of him, and he started to pull away, realizing that Sean probably wanted some personal space but would be too kind to say so under the circumstances.

He no more than lifted his head and began pulling back, and Sean tightened his hold on him, preventing him from moving away. "I like you right where you are." He mumbled under his breath and placed a kiss on his forehead before settling back against the pillows. Now, Lowell didn't know what to think, so he settled in and closed his eyes. He'd think about it later.

Eamon prepared breakfast the following morning. Sean had arranged for some clothes to be dropped off for Lowell, which he greatly appreciated. He offered to pay, but Sean was adamant that he accept the gift, and after a little back and forth, Lowell accepted with a heartfelt thank you.

He didn't like being in anyone's debt, but this was small, considering he owed Sean for saving his life the night before. He was feeling like himself again, except the memory of the wolf attack remained on the edges of his mind, along with the fear that more was to come for this community.

Sean was a perfect gentleman the previous night and had not pushed beyond a few kisses, chaste kisses. Lowell wasn't sure how he felt about it. The dream had set him up for expectations that were not a part of reality, unfortunately. Sean was attentive and caring, but he didn't get the sense that he was interested in the way Lowell was interested.

They sat down, and Eamon served steak and eggs, a favorite of Lowell's but something he rarely indulged. Sean took good care of him, pouring his coffee and helping him get comfortably seated before taking his own seat next to him.

Eamon sat across from them. Eamon was a nice guy, serious and intense but a nice guy. He didn't interest Lowell the way Sean did although he was handsome and strong he did not give off the sexy vibe that radiated from Sean.

Sean and Eamon were discussing the shifters from last night and theorizing their intent and what they hoped to gain by it. "They were probably drunk or high or both and using the turbulent time as an excuse to hurt people." Eamon threw it out there, and it sounded plausible.

“But that doesn’t account for the level of hatred that I felt coming off them as they went after their human targets. They were angry and they wanted those men dead.” Sean gave his opinion.

"The one you call Cory wasn't angry; he was gleefully cutting us to ribbons." Lowell joined during a pause. "He felt satisfied like he was completing an assignment, and he was going to get a gold star." Sean and Eamon stopped and considered his words for a moment while Lowell finished his coffee.

"He was working for someone," Eamon said, and Sean nodded his head in agreement. "But why the humans? It would result in a bloodbath if it got around town that there were rabid wolves in the mountains killing people."

“Maybe a bloodbath is what they were aiming for.”


Sean was freshly amazed at his mate’s astute abilities. His magic may be light, but it was still effective. "Did you happen to get a read on any of the other wolves?" He asked.

"They were following Cory blindly. Cory was not angry, but his companions were plenty angry. They wanted our blood, and they wanted it to be painful. Somehow, they felt justified in what they were doing as if we had affronted them in some way." Lowell was much calmer and seemed to be handling everything quite well, or perhaps he was burying it.

Sean couldn’t get a clear sense of Lowell’s feelings or understanding. Fate always blurred things a little in an attempt to balance the relationship. He seemed okay, and Sean would have to go with that for now.

"Who do you think Cory was working for?" Sean turned to Eamon, hoping he had a name that they could pursue.

“Could be anyone.” He said and that was not what Sean wanted to hear. “Some of the elders are lobbying for individuals as well as locals pushing for their own desires.”

Eamon stared mindlessly at his coffee cup for a few seconds, deep in thought, before looking up and capturing Sean's gaze. "There are those that are already considered contenders who may be looking for an advantage. It's just too many possibilities. We need to be able to narrow it down in order to end this particular madness before all hell breaks loose.”