“You brought me back here instead of sending me with Patrick and John because you knew I saw something that I shouldn’t have.” Lowell was extremely sharp, and Sean found himself both proud and conflicted.

"I brought you here because I wanted to speak with you." Sean was going to tell him everything and hope for the best. "What do you know about the town that you live in. I know you were born here, and you grew up in care here in Salida in three different foster placements. According to all reports, you're a civic-minded, well-rounded, and well-liked individual. You care about your city, and you care about your neighbors.”

"I worked on a ranch in Wyoming for one summer and couldn't get used to the dryness of the land or the cold nature of the people, so I moved back. I like this town and most of the people in it. You seem to know a lot about me, but it's just the surface. It's what's written in reports and stored in files. It's just the parts of me that people see." That response brought Sean's attention to a keen focus.

"I know you're concerned about sharing your secret with me, so I'll share one with you. I have a heightened sense of perception, insight, and sensitivity." He began, and Sean was intrigued. "I usually see things for what they are and can predict outcomes with staggering accuracy. My friends call it my gut feelings, and they never question it, but it's more than that."

Sean looked at Lowell closely and scented him, taking in every air and nuance, having an idea as to what he was eluding. There was something there, something he'd missed before. Lowell's eyes held an ethereal ring that was very light and barely there but noticeable if you looked closely. "Your eyes, they have the obscure ring."

"You're only the second person to ever notice. The first person was an old man who I met in the park downtown when I was twelve. He explained a lot of things to me, wished me luck, and then left." Lowell was blowing his mind at the moment. Instead of Lowell being the one to have to process and catch up, it was Sean who was suddenly in the middle of something he had never imagined.


Sean couldn't believe what he was looking at, but it made everything clear. Lowell's wounds had started to heal before they'd left the clearing, and his instincts while fighting were spot on. He fended off the wolves longer than should have been possible, but clearly, he could see what was coming and reacted accordingly. Nothing was blatantly obvious, but it was there, and Sean had written it off to being near his mate and simple adrenaline.

“You’re part of a legacy of magic.”

“The old man said I was charmed but only lightly so.” He smiled but it looked grim.

“You knew shifters lived here?”

“No.” He said quite definitively. "I knew there was something strange in town; I could feel it. I suspected there were mystical beings by the energy I sensed coming off some people, but I knew nothing for certain until tonight when I watched you shift."

“There’s a situation happening in Salida of which the human population is blissfully unaware, and it has the potential to blow this town apart.” Sean took a sip of his whiskey before he continued. "It would seem that you, Patrick, and John found yourselves in the middle of the nastiest parts of the upheaval."

“Is it a fight for dominance? I felt a power rush when the wolves attacked us not the true organic kind that can stop you in your tracks but rather it was a forced sense of supremacy the kind that bullies employ.” Lowell interjected and again Sean was impressed with his shrewd awareness. “I would add that the rush of power dissipated when you and your friend Eamon arrived.”

Just then, the front door opened, and Eamon called out to Sean. "In the guest room." He called back and did not let go of Lowell's hand; rather, he moved closer to him when Eamon entered the room.

Eamon took in the scene and nodded to both Sean and Lowell before taking a seat in the chair off to Lowell’s left against the wall. Eamon understood the relationship between him and Lowell and was careful not to get too close.

“How are Patrick and John?” Lowell asked eagerly for an update.

"John is doing fine. He's awake and moving around. Patrick had some deep wounds to his upper left arm, but the doctors have him stitched and bandaged, and currently, he's asleep." Eamon told him, and Lowell was visibly relieved.

"Thank you," Lowell said, and Eamon smiled with a nod.

Sean then went ahead and gave Eamon a rundown of what he and Lowell had discussed so far. He, too, was surprised by Lowell's link to magic. Sean didn't blame him when he leaned forward and looked deep into Lowell's eyes.

"That's so cool," Eamon commented as he sat back.

“I was just explaining the trouble that has come to pass and that more than the paranormal will be effected by it.” Sean could feel Lowell’s struggle to process and keep up and he wished he could take this slower. Unfortunately, most of the information was already out of the bag so it was necessary to complete this explanation and persuade him to keep their secret.

"What is happening?" That's a logical question from Lowell.

"The Salida pack alpha recently died and left no heir. There is a challenge for leadership coming up, and many are positioning themselves for a chance to become one of the three chosen by the elders to compete." Sean explained and then handed it off to Eamon for further detail.

“The wise ones are taking their time coming to a decision, so my people are becoming restless, and some are looking to cause trouble or chaos in order to push their candidate to the forefront. It's messy and violent, and I'm sorry that you and your friends got caught up in it." That was clear and concise.

The discussion went on a little further, with Eamon answering all of his questions and explaining the leadership challenge and the factions involved. Sean continued to hold Lowell's hand and reassured him throughout. Then, the time came to make their point. Sean took over, and Eamon provided backup as he approached the subject of secrecy.

“It is vitally important to us and to the human population that you keep this secret that you now hold. If even a theory of the existence of paranormal beings got out into the mainstream, it would be devastating . . . for everyone." Sean made his pitch. "We are asking you to tell no one what you saw. Don't allude to it, don't write about it, don't joke about it, and please tell no one."

"It could blow up this town and this world if the truth got out," Eamon added in a dire tone. Lowell stared at the two of them for several seconds and then shook his head vigorously.

“I would never share this information with anyone. It would be disastrous and I don’t need magics to see that.” He continued to shake his head. “You have my word I will say nothing.”

“Thank you sweetheart.” Sean leaned over and took Lowell into his arms and pulled him close. He didn’t balk or resist, which was a wonderful feeling. Eamon took that moment to leave and closed the door behind him. They held each other quietly just drinking in the significance of this minute. Sean knew that bonds and connections were forming, and he was certain that Lowell felt it too.