Sean checked his watch a couple of times, expecting Lowell to call, but nothing has come up so far. He'd promised to call, so Sean had to trust that he would. The meeting with Noah was a strange one. He'd been on the scene shortly after Murphy was found, and it was obvious to him that Murphy had been killed elsewhere and dumped by the river.

"The Sheriff is one of ours, so he's managing this incident in a way that does not alarm the human population. But someone is going around town spreading rumors about the case and implicating rabid wolves." Eamon told Sean.

"Someone is sewing chaos in order to assume control of the pack." Sean speculated, and both men agreed.

“Jaron has some shading fucks working for him who might be okay with clearing the field for their boss.” Noah shared. “The Sheriff is looking into it, but it could take days to build any sort of case, and in the meantime, people are dying and being attacked."

"The attack on the fishermen last night was a setup," Eamon told him. "The wolves went in prepared to do maximum carnage."

"This Jaron, is he capable of trying something like this?" Sean asked.

"He's on the list to be considered for Alpha, and he's one of the older enforcers who have been on the job for over a century. I couldn't imagine him lowering himself to killing his opponents or hurting innocent humans just to get ahead." Eamon defended, but there was uneasiness in his eyes.

“What about the shady fucks he’s hired?” Sean reiterated Noah’s comment.

“That was strange.” Eamon admitted. “He hired them from a pack out east he never gave a name. Jaron sponsored them so they were considered okay on his word alone.”

"Avoid Jaron and his men until we figure this out," Sean asked, but Eamon had other ideas.

“I can’t just sit by and do nothing.” He stated. “Noah and I will go out to the scene and see if we can discern anything maybe the Sheriff and his men missed something. We will go deep and wide and see if we come up with anything.” Eamon was adamant so Sean did not comment. “You go take care of your mate and I’ll call you if we find anything.”

“Call if you need me, Lowell will understand. He’s a smart guy.” Sean bragged a little.

"Go be with him." Eamon insisted. "I can feel your angst from here." He chuckled, and just then, Sean's phone went off. "There he is now. We'll see you when we get back." Sean waved them off and answered his phone.

“Hello baby, are you ready for me?" He said sweetly while walking to his car.

“I’m ready for you.” Lowell shot back with a giggle that was music to Sean’s ears.

Lowell could not believe that he'd giggle on the phone. It just came out as a thrill shot through him at Sean's playful banter. The man was digging deeper and deeper into the recesses of Lowell's heart. He sat on the bench and waited impatiently for Sean to arrive.

Suddenly, the need to be near him again was on the rise, and he felt his heart begin to pound with expectations. There was a connection. He could not deny that, nor would he. The draw he felt was body, mind, and soul, and Sean's description of Fate's hand at work in their relationship was making more sense by the second.

He kept his eyes on the street out front, excitedly watching for Sean’s arrival. The desire to see him, touch him, and hold him again eating him up. It had only been a little over an hour or so, but it felt like they’d been separated for days.

"Aren't you Lowell French?" A man he did not know walked up to stand in front of him, blocking his view of the street. Lowell did not answer immediately. He was getting an odd vibe from the man. "You and your friends were attacked by wolves yesterday at the campsite by the lake." He spoke as a fact, not a question, and he was loud enough to garner the attention of several people standing nearby.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I think you are mistaken.” Lowell went with his gut and attempted to back out of the conversation.

"No, it's you; I know that it's you." He insisted and took a step closer to Lowell, who was still seated on the bench. "Wolves, rabid wolves, nearly killed you all and put your friend Patrick in a coma."

“It was a wondering bear who came looking for food and we got in the way. Nothing more. It was unfortunate but not a crisis next time we will store our supplies more carefully and Patrick is not in a coma.” Lowell explained so everyone around could hear.

The man was becoming agitated when I became clear his version of events was not being taken seriously and took another step toward Lowell. Lowell leaned back on the bench unable to get up and leave with the man standing so close.

“What’s going on here?” Lowell was relieved to hear Sean’s voice and the man quickly took a step back and pasted on a fake smile.

“Nothing going on.” He said. “I was just asking him about the attack yesterday at the lake, but he doesn’t seem to have any real information.” The man nodded to Lowell and walked away.

“Do you know him, Lowell?" Sean seemed tense.

"No, and I could sense he wasn't being honest," Lowell told him what the man had said and how he had responded. "I thought the bear made the most sense."

"You did well, my love." Sean put his arm around Lowell's shoulders and began walking to where he'd parked just down the street.

"Before we go to lunch, do you mind stopping at my apartment for a few minutes so I could freshen up?"

“No problem.” He responded easily. “I’d love to see your place.”