“What about Jaron and you are they planning to protection for you both?” Sean saw them both as targets.

"Jaron has a few soldiers he hangs around with who volunteered to keep an eye on him, and he is stronger and better capable of fending off an attack than Murphy." He grunted in disbelief. "Jaron will lean on the soldiers, I'm sure. As for me, I told them I would prefer to look out for myself. I don't want soldiers or enforcers tailing me right now. I don't trust any of them at the moment except for Noah.” Eamon sighed and took a look around. “This mess just keeps getting messier.”

“We’ll figure it out.”

"The meeting with the elders has been postponed. I'm going to meet Noah at the coffee shop over there." He pointed at the Coffee Cup, a small shop across the street. I'd appreciate it if you came along."


"I know you have a mate to tend to, and I'm sorry for taking your time, but I don't have many here that I can trust." Eamon apologized.

"I'm glad I'm here, and I'll do everything that I can." They headed over to the shop when they noticed Noah had arrived.

“They found him, and they have no idea who did it.” The young wolf reported to Jaron.

“Was the Sheriff notified?” Jaron barked.

"Yes, but he is keeping the information on a need-to-know. The locals aren't aware of the murder."

"What are you doing to make them aware?" He snapped, walked over to his desk, and sat down. The young wolf was getting increasingly uncomfortable under the scrutiny of this man. His office was intimidating all on its own with the weapons firearms, knives, swords, and even spears hanging from the walls, along with a few stuffed trophies. It was a dark and ominous place.

“There are people in town asking about Murphy and putting out the theory that he is missing. They are also planting stories of wolf attacks happening in the woods and tying that to Murphy’s disappearance.” He stated, slowly starting to go back toward the door.

“Good.” He said and leaned back in his chair. “Where is Eamon?”

"In town with his friends Sean and Noah at the Coffee Cup."

"Have them continue to follow him, and if the opportunity arises, they have my permission to kill him. If his friend or Noah gets in the way, kill them as well."

“Yes, sir.”

Lowell went straight to Patrick’s room after being told that John had discharged earlier that morning. Patrick was still in bad shape and receiving care and Lowell felt bad that they hadn’t been able to do more to protect each other. He was also saddened that Sean and Eamon hadn’t arrived sooner to have spared Patrick his torment.

When he entered the room, he was surprised and delighted to see John seated there. Patrick was still unconscious, with plenty of tubes and needles attached to him. "How is he, John?"

"He's been asleep since they brought him in. The doctor said he would probably wake soon, but his body needs time to heal." John spoke quietly, and his grief was real. "He's going to be alright, but it will take time before he gets full use of his arm back."

"I'm glad he's going to be okay, and I'm glad you weren't seriously hurt," Lowell remarked.

"What about you? How are you doing?" John asked.

“Just a lot of scratches but nothing too bad.”

“Yeah, me too.” They fell silent for a while and just listened to Patrick’s machines working. “Do you remember anything about the attack? I have just fleeting recollections but most everything is a blur until the medics showed up.”

"Wild animals are all I remember." Lowell offered, and John nodded his head.

“Where did they take you?”

“I was the most coherent, so I was taken for questioning. Unfortunately, my memory of the attack was not clear.” Lowell tap-danced around that question as best he could.

"I remember the two guys at the end. We wouldn't have survived without their help." John remembered Sean and Eamon, but he remembered them as men.

"They're really good guys, and you're right. We were lucky they came along." Lowell stayed for about an hour and excused himself once Patrick's parents arrived. He told John he'd be back tomorrow and said his goodbyes.

Seeing Patrick so vulnerable and so injured was hard and left him with a feeling of guilt for escaping with just minor injuries. Patrick had a loving and supportive family, and they would see him through this. Lowell went down to the cafeteria and got a cup of coffee.

He sat outside on one of the benches and pulled out his cell phone and thought for a minute. His apartment wasn’t far from the hospital, it wouldn’t be difficult to walk, but Sean had made him promise to call when he was finished. Lowell decided he had to call and besides he was keen to see Sean again and explore their new relationship.