The kiss went on and on and got more and more intimate, going deep and ravenous. Lowell had not known a kiss like this, but he loved it. His body reacted, and he tried to calm himself, but it was impossible as long as this gorgeous man was touching him.

"Don't resist, my love. Feel it, know it, and know that it is me who is making you feel this way." Sean slid his hand down Lowell's chest and cupped the hardness pressing against his jeans. The thrill was instant. Lowell caught his breath with a gasp and closed his eyes as Sean took his lips once again.

This was not the actions of a man who wanted space or saw him as too much trouble. This was a man who wanted him, this finely tuned sculpted warrior, this wild man wanted him, and Lowell was melting on the spot. The taste and the touching and the sexy words and desires flowing from his lips were making Lowell pant with a raging need that grew larger by the second.

Slowly, Sean eased it to an end, pulling back but still holding Lowell in his grip. He trailed kisses down his neck and across his shoulder before taking a deep breath and sitting back in his seat.

"You drive me crazy, baby. Everything about you calls to me, pulls me near, and makes me want to ravish you. Last night was pure hell, lying there holding you and having to control myself. I wanted you so badly I barely slept, and my wolf paced in my mind all night long, demanding that we claim you." His gaze remained trained on Lowell, and those eyes were piercing right through him.

“I thought it was just me and I didn’t want my attraction to make you uncomfortable. I didn’t know you felt the same I can’t read you like I can other people.” Lowell admitted his feelings but still kept it low key. Sean started to chuckle softly and turned his head to look at Lowell.

"I can't read you either." He said and then paused as if he were considering something. "It's Fate's design." He paused again. "We are a fated pair, and you are my mate. When Fate brings a couple together, she keeps the playing field level so that neither partner has an advantage over the other. I can't touch your mind, and you can't touch mine. Something that works on everyone else will not work on your mate unless it's a positive ability like healing."

"I'm not sure I know what it is you're talking about," Lowell spoke haltingly as some of it made sense, but his involvement in it all was not clear.

“You’ve read people around town.” He said and Lowell nodded. “You’ve read shifters.” Again, he nodded. “Have you encountered shifter pairs, Fated shifter pairs?”

"I've seen people who were bonded in a way that was beyond what I would describe as normal. Their bodies and their minds and everything about them were in tune with one another. The emotional connection was off the charts. These were people with strange auras and energies, which I now attribute to being paranormal." Lowell explained as best he could.

“What you witnessed was bonded, fated pairs. They are called mates because they are predestined to be together and recognize one another by sight and scent. It is amazing, and every wolf shifter has a mate out there somewhere, and they are called Fate's gift.

Not everyone finds their mate, but the majority do, and some settle for someone they care about rather than wait to see if their mate will come to them. I was waiting for my mate; no one would satisfy me but my true mate." He smiled, and it touched Lowell's heart.

“Usually, the mates are both wolves but sometimes a mate is human or another shifter species, but we won’t go into that right now. You, Lowell French you are my mate. I knew you when I entered the fight in the clearing.” Lowell sat there stunned and confused but he did not doubt him, he believed the things that Sean was telling him.

"I can see why you didn't try to explain this last night." Lowell attempted to lighten the moment. "I recognized you as well once you shifted. I'd seen you in a dream, a very provocative dream." The broad smile returned to Sean's face, and Lowell blushed just a little under the heat. "What does it mean that I am your mate?" He asked.

"It means that you and I are meant to be," Sean stated and then pulled the car back onto the street and continued to the hospital.

“That sounds really nice, but you barely know me.”

"I know you. Wolves know their mates. Like I said, I recognized you in the clearing, and I took you home with me because I needed to make sure you were safe and well. It was a driving need." He enunciated each word for effect. "Seeing you attacked and injured was terrifying to watch. I could not lose you." Sean was so serious, and emotions were running high. He was trying to make himself clear, and he wanted Lowell to understand.

Lowell thought back to the couples that he'd observed who were absolutely meant for each other, and it had always amazed him that such couples existed. Now, it would seem that he was part of such a couple, and the thought of it filled him with warmth and excitement.

They pulled into the hospital parking lot, and Sean parked near the door. He squeezed Lowell's hand and leaned over, stealing a kiss that thrilled him to the bone. The man had skills, and he could play Lowell like a fine instrument. The discussion they'd just had was unreal, but Lowell could detect no lies, and Sean's regard for him came through clearly with every touch and every kiss. His instinct was to believe, and his instincts were never wrong.

"Give me a chance, Lowell." He said. “You know we belong together; you can feel it."

“I feel it.” He readily admitted. “It was obvious in the way I acted last night. The need for you to be close and to be touching me was burning through me. Nothing satisfied me except having you hold me close.” Lowell offered some truths since Sean was being very open. “I don’t comprehend everything you’ve said but I trust you and that’s all I need to make my way through it all.”

“Thank you, sweetheart.” Another kiss and Sean stepped back. “Visit your friends and call me when you’re finished.”

"I will." Lowell watched him walk away. He looked back at him over his shoulder several times, and Lowell could see the affection. It was real.


Sean and his wolf did not want to leave their mate, but he had to let him go for a while and let him visit his friends. The pull was fierce, and he knew he wouldn't be able to stay away long. He wondered if the pull was as bad for Lowell. His expression when he dropped him at the hospital looked sad, but he might be reading more into it than was there.

He arrived at the Council house and saw Eamon waiting for him out front. He parked and jogged over to meet him. “I just received some upsetting news.” He said when Sean came up to stand beside him.

“What is it?” Sean inquired.

"Murphy's body has been found on the banks of the river deep in the woods. He was murdered. His throat was torn out, but he was drugged first, according to the doctor." Eamon was both angry and saddened.

“Do they have any leads?”

Eamon shook his head. "The scents in the area were obscured by bear scent, which, as you know, is very pungent. They spread it to cover their own scent after they killed him." He glanced down at the pavement beneath his feet and then back at Sean. "Who are these people that could do such a thing? They aren't the people I know. They aren't the people I grew up with."