“Protecting the President,” Doyle said.

Blake let go of Angela and puffed out his chest. “Your services are no longer needed. Angela is my responsibility.”

Doyle held up his hands. “Hey, as long as I get paid for the entire contracted time, that’s fine with me.”

Blake looked at Tristan.

Tristan said, “I’ll take care of it.”

Blake held Angela close to him again, and they continued walking. “Coming here was reckless. If anything happened to you, I would have never forgiven myself.”

Angela snuggled closer to him. “I wouldn’t say it was reckless, but it was probably crazy. I don’t know what came over me. It was like I was being pulled to you.”

“That was our bond.”

“You mean as in mating bond?”

Blake kissed the top of Angela’s head. “What do you know about a mating bond?”

“Only what I’ve seen in movies and TV shows or read in books.” She stopped, put a hand on his chest, and pushed away enough to see him. “Do you have to bite me?”

Blake chuckled. “It’s not like that. But I will bite you if you want.”

He enjoyed feeling her body warm against him as she hid her face from him.

“We can’t do any of that until we get home.”


She looked up at him again. “Yeah. I’d like it if you moved in with me for the sake of just being with me and not being my bodyguard.”

“That’s a big step. What do you think people are going to say?”

She sighed. “I don’t know, and I don’t care. People are talking about me anyways.”

“What will Benji think?”

“I don’t know. He’s the only one who I’m really worried about.”

Blake placed a gentle kiss on her mouth. “We’ll handle it together. I’m a patient man who can wait until everything is right for you.”

A Marine dressed in a formal uniform stood at attention outside the helicopter.

Angela stepped away enough to salute the soldier. “Thank you,” she told him.

He helped her onto the helicopter and nodded to Blake.

The helicopter took off once they were settled in their seats with their headphones on. Blake noticed all the people on the ground.

“How many people did my brother bring?”

“I’m not sure, maybe all of Operation Excalibur. I saw many of the same people who helped us with Benji.”

The helicopter frame groaned when the pilot turned. Blake gripped Angela’s arm, turned his body to shield her, and held her tight against him.

“Blake, relax. It’s okay. That noise is normal.”

Blake didn’t move for an extended moment before he returned to his seat. “The last time we were in this didn’t end well.”