Lincoln glanced at him. “Are you going to keep her in line?”

Oh, you didn’t just question me, Fucker.

Blake’s eyes turned ink-black, and he summoned just enough energy to dominate the room, standing. “I’m not sure I understand what you’re insinuating.”

Lincoln stepped close to Blake and summoned enough energy to challenge Blake without shifting.

Oh, you want to play doggie?

Washington stepped between them, placing a hand on their chests and pushing them apart. “This isn’t accomplishing anything.” He turned his head to Lincoln. “You know better.” Then he turned to Blake. “I don’t know you very well, but I’d like to think if you’re guarding the President, you know how to behave as well.”

Blake shook his head, ran a hand through his hair, and stomped outside.

The first stars twinkled in the sky, but the sun hadn’t fully set. The fall breeze helped cool his temper. There was no reason to lose his cool like that. He was better than that.

Nikki stepped through the door and walked over to him. “You okay?”

Blake didn’t say anything.

Nikki continued. “Reagan and I go back a long way. She knows exactly how to get under my skin. It’s a kink for her, trust me. Most of the time, I can deal with it, but sitting in this room after a week and not accomplishing anything is making me crazy.”

He picked up a rock and threw it into the air, catching it in his hand. “Tell me about it.” He threw the rock and caught it again.

“Going to the fair is a great idea. It’s a great chance for max exposure.”

“Yeah, maybe. The problem is we don’t even know if the right people will be at this fair. I don’t even like fairs.”

Nikki smiled. “I don’t either, but I have a feeling about this one.”

“Every trail we’ve followed has ended with nothing. It just feels like we’re spinning our wheels.”

“I guess you could see it that way.”

“What other way is there?” He tossed the rock and caught it again.

Nikki reached over and caught the rock when he threw it up again. She dropped it on the ground. “Do you have any patience?”

Blake grimaced. “Not really.”

“You and the Director are exactly alike.”

Blake growled. “I am nothing like my brother.”

Nikki rolled her eyes and leaned her neck to both sides, cracking the joints. “Um, okay.”

Blake crossed his arms over his chest, tucking his hands under his armpits. “If you know of a reason the fair will work out, please share your insight.”

“I don’t know if it will work out. But I know you’ve been preening all over town, and more than just the two blondes have noticed. The people here don’t like you. It doesn’t matter that you are protecting the President. They don’t trust you. That’s obvious by the looks you get when we’re out.”

“I don’t fucking care what the people in this town think of me. I want to get this done and get back to DC.”

Nikki put her hands in her pockets. “You mean you want to get back to the President.”

Blake started to answer her but changed his mind.

“Everyone can see how much in love you are.” Nikki glanced up to the sky. “I had a chance to be happy once.”

“What happened?”