“Yes, we’ve been called that before. What do you know of The Tribe?”

The corner of his mouth turned down a bit. “I know you want to control all supernaturals.”

She scoffed. “It’s not control. We protect humans. We aren’t law enforcers. We are species protectors.”

“That’s what your brochure says, at least.”

Beatrice raised an eyebrow. “Your sarcasm is wasted on me.” She uncrossed her legs and pushed to standing. “This meeting is over. If you do not remember where the door is, I will find someone to show you.”

He pushed himself off the couch. “I assume you know what I am.” He held out his arm so she could see the nanobot crawling up his arm.

“Yes.” She faced him and faked a yawn. “I am getting tired. Please tell me why I should care about that little bug.”

“This little bug is a nanobot that shrinks to the size of one sand grain. It can infect anyone it touches with any spell I choose.”

“And what spell would you choose?”

“Xerxes wanted to create a mass of followers. He had the right idea but could not execute it.”

“And you can?” Beatrice returned to the chair. She wouldn’t let him know, but he’d piqued her curiosity.

The man sat on the couch, leaned forward, and rested his arms on his thighs. “I do.”

“Then why do you need me?”

He inhaled a quick breach and leaned back. “Magic can only take me so far. It’s slow and cumbersome. Magic has one tragic flaw that I have not been able to counteract. It needs a living source of power. None of the wizards I found could sustain the power I needed to finish everything. Technology is better than magic, but I need more funding.”

Beatrice rested her arms on the chair. “Do you think technology is better than magic? A lot of people would disagree with you. Magic existed before technology. It existed before time.”

“Those people lack vision. We must marry magic with modern technology to truly overpower the world.”

She interlaced her fingers and rested them in her lap. “Would it be correct to assume you came here seeking funding for this marriage?”

The man lowered his eyes. “Yes. I could not set up a productive environment in South America, but I came here to get your help. There was an issue with the local authorities.”

“Mmm, I see. And why haven’t you set up a productive environment here in this country?”

“There was an issue involving a specific political figure. It’s not safe for me to be seen. I took a big risk by coming here, but I felt you would be the best person. I know you have vision.”

“Oh, you do, do you?” Beatrice crossed one leg over the other. She tilted her head, an idea dawning. “Would this specific political figure live in a white house?”

The man clenched his jaw and avoided answering her question.

“I know that the Tribe flourished under your leadership. I know that your sister was never the strong, forward-thinking leader that you are.” He looked her in the eye. “I know that even now, you are the one who controls everything. You work in the shadows, but with this device-” he held up his arm to show her the nanobot, “- the Tribe could be so much more.”

Beatrice rose from her chair and walked to the door. His proposal started turning the wheels in her brain. Whoever this man was, he had done his research. Her sister Isabeau had been missing for so long that no one remembered her. She gave up looking for her, assuming she died. Isabeau was the reason the Tribe now worked in the shadows, as this weak man reminded her. Isabeau never understood the true calling. Supernaturals, especially shifters, were demonic creatures who didn’t deserve to breathe. Isabeau lost sight of that when she gave her heart to a dragon.

In a quick heartbeat, she knew what had to be done, and she didn’t need this man to help her do it.

She faced him. “So, you mean to tell me that you’ve created a device that will allow you to quickly take over massive amounts of supernaturals, shifters, for example? You’ve merged magic and tech to create something new. And you need my money to finalize it?”

He stood from the couch and stepped closer to her. “Yes. With your backing, I can finish what Xerxes started. We can take over any group of living creatures we want to.”

“Amazing.” Beatrice poked her head into the hallway and saw Rex and another man waiting outside. Rex had been with her for a long time, and she could tell him what she needed with one glance.

She moved back into the room and inched closer to the man. Rex and the other man stepped into the room.

This demon had no idea what she was truly capable of doing. He wanted her money and nothing more. He was like everyone else who ever wanted her help: naïve and weak. His plan was solely dependent on that box. She didn’t need him. She needed that box.