Robert nodded and sat on the arm of Mariah’s chair. “Of course.”

Mariah smiled at her husband. “You are incredible.” She took a drink and asked Angela, “Are you sure you don’t want us to stay in one of the smaller cabins? I’ve always enjoyed Red Oak.”

Angela shook her head. “No, I’d like all of us to be together.”

“I’m pretty sure that goes against protocol,” Mariah said.

Angela rolled her eyes. “Alistair was the only one who believed in following protocol. That man lived and breathed protocol.”

Mariah set her glass on a side table. “At the expense of being rude, I wanted to tell you that letting him go was a great decision.”

Angela set her glass down, crossed one leg over the other, and ran a finger down her nose. The headache that started the day before hadn’t improved since they arrived. “I hope so. I’m sure he’s knee-deep in Senator Chadwick’s election plans.”

“Senator Chadwick?” Robert asked. “I didn’t know he was running.”

“He hasn’t officially announced it yet, but Alistair made sure I knew before he left.” Angela snapped her fingers. “I’m not sure I got his resignation yet.”

“You can’t officially place Penny without it,” Mariah said.

“Speaking of Penny, do you think she was a good choice?” Angela said.

“To replace Alistair?” Mariah said.

Angela nodded.

“Well, it’s a bold choice. There hasn’t been a woman in that position before, and she’s young, like very young,” Mariah said.

“It was Blake’s suggestion.” Angela regretted admitting that the moment she said it.

“Blake?” Mariah’s tone was terse.

She thought of a way to smooth over Mariah’s concerns, but did it matter if Mariah was unhappy that she talked to Blake? Mariah wasn’t the president. She chose to ignore the tone.

“Penny is more than qualified and has connections all over Washington. So far, I’ve been thrilled with my choice.”

“She hasn’t had the job for twenty-four hours yet. How do you know she can do the job?”

Angela did not appreciate Mariah’s questioning. “I’m trusting my gut on this one. It was a good choice.”

“Will Penny be joining us?” Mariah asked.

“She will be up here tomorrow. I needed her to oversee my routine change and redirect public scrutiny.”

Mariah laughed. “There will always be scrutiny.” She picked up her whiskey glass and held it in the air. “Here’s to breaking the glass ceiling.”

Angela lifted her glass. “I will always support that.”

“I’m all for more women being in charge,” Doyle said. “I remember being with a set of tree nymph twins once, and I had no problem with them taking control.”

Angela scoffed. “I can’t believe Tristan thought you would be a good replacement for Blake.”

“So, I’m replacing your main squeeze, am I?” Doyle said.

“I’m not even justifying that with a response,” Angela said.

“What can’t you believe I did?” Tristan walked into the room.

Doyle said, “You asked me to guard the President in your brother’s absence.”