“Yes, that Doyle.”

“I didn’t think he was that trustworthy,” Angela said.

“Do you think we should bring in anyone with a questionable background,” Mariah asked Tristen. “It seems like there are enough issues without adding more.”

Tristen ignored her. “Doyle is loyal to whoever adds money into his bank account.”

“And what if someone else adds in more than we are?” Mariah asked.

Tristen glanced at Mariah and then turned back to Angela, ignoring Mariah.

“I made a few calls and found him. He’s in between assignments, so to speak, and available.”

Angela glared at Tristen. It didn’t matter who or what he was. She would not tolerate rudeness in her office. “Director, you need to answer the Vice President.” She emphasized his title more, hoping to remind him that he served Mariah just as much as he served her.

He pressed his lips together, and Angela noticed the same hot temper in Blake’s eyes. She missed him.

“Yes, Ma’am.” Tristan turned his body to face Mariah. “To answer your concerns, Madam Vice-President, I’ve known Doyle for a long time. He’s trustworthy, and once he’s committed, he’s loyal to the end.”

Angela wasn’t sure about Doyle’s background. He showed up one night while she and Blake were at his family homestead, planning Benji’s rescue. Up until thirty seconds ago, she didn’t even know he had a last name. He played an integral part in destroying Xerxes’ lab and confused Keyser by stealing Xerxes’ power box for him but keeping the primary power source to give to Tristan.

“Will he be committed to Angela?” Mariah asked.

“Sure, why the hell not? I had nothing else better to do.”

Everyone turned to see the man standing at the door. Angela recognized his face, but nothing else about him was familiar. He was clean-shaven, with shorter hair than before, and a well-fitted suit. He ignored everyone and walked straight to Angela, taking her hand and kissing her knuckles.

No one said anything. No one moved. No one seemed to know what to do.

Angela cautiously pulled her hand free. “Mr. McNealy, a handshake is more appropriate.”

Doyle studied the office, turning twice to see everything. “When I’m with a beautiful woman, it’s never her hand I want to shake.”

Robert lunged for him. “What the…”

Tristan stepped in front of Robert and held out his hand to prevent an incident. He cleared his throat. “Let me introduce Doyle McNealy. Doyle will be standing in for Blake whenever she needs security.”

Doyle walked to a couch, sat at one end, crossed one leg over the other, and rested an arm on the back. “Tristan told me your dragon had to go catch bad guys. So, it looks like you’re stuck with me, Doll.”

Mariah got out of her chair. She pointed a finger at Tristan. “Is this your idea of a joke?”

Doyle moved too fast for Angela to see what happened. One second, he was sitting on the couch like a cocky jerk, and the next, he had Tristan in a choke hold, kneeling on his knees. “I assure you, Madam Vice President, I do not take my work lightly. I was hired to take care of the President, and I will give my life to keep her safe.”

Penny screeched and lost her balance.

Angela gulped her next breath and slumped against the back of her chair. She’d seen Tristan fight, and he was a fierce fighter. If Doyle could take him by surprise, he’d be able to keep her safe against anything.

Tristan tapped Doyle’s arm and, in a strained voice, said, “Let me go.”

Doyle released Tristan, brushed off his jacket sleeves, and straightened his tie. “Are there any other questions or concerns?” He sat on the couch again.

Mariah turned to Angela. “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”

“Excuse me?” Angela asked.

“You’ve surrounded yourself with supernatural creatures that we know nothing about. They are violent. Can they be trusted?”

Not you, too?