“I don’t want to get up,” she said. “Maybe hit snooze once or twice.”

He inhaled deeply, committing her scent to memory. “We need to get up. If I remember correctly, all of this was your idea.”

“But maybe no one will notice we’re missing.”

He kissed her nose. “I love you, Angela Bishop.”

“I love you, Blake Sullivan.”

“Are you ready?” Blake asked Nikki.

She nodded and then turned her head to the side.

“What’s wrong?”

“It was harder to say goodbye to the kid than I thought it would be.”

“He’s a good kid, comes from a good family.”

Lincoln joined them. “Getting to the Little Rock Air Force Base will take over fifteen hours. We’ll meet the rest of my team in the morning for any updates, and then we’ll take you to the spot where the spell seems to be the least potent.”

Lincoln pressed a button on a key fob, and a jacked-up Toyota Forerunner beeped. “We can take turns driving. I don’t mind driving most of the way, though. I’m just not sure I want to drive the entire way.”

“Why aren’t we flying?” Blake asked.

Lincoln chuckled. “I just got this, and it’s not broken in yet. If you wanted to shift and fly us there, you could.”

This is going to be a long ride.

Blake rolled his eyes. Wolves had a unique brand of humor.

“Shotgun,” Nikki called, reaching for the door handle.

“Shotgun. Are you twelve? I should ride shotgun as your superior.”

Nikki smirked. “Then you should have called it.”

“Fine, whatever.” Blake opened the driver’s side backdoor. He balled up his jacket and rested against the window. “Wake me if anything comes up.”

“Will do,” Lincoln said.

“When do we stop for food?” Nikki asked.

Blake had forgotten breakfast but hadn’t been hungry until Nikki mentioned food. Now, he was crabby, tired, and hungry. This was going to be a long trip.

When Blake opened his eyes, the sun hung low in the sky and shone directly into them. He stretched and scrubbed a hand over his face. He glanced around him. It took a heartbeat to register where he was. It was a half-full parking lot. The diner in front of him had a broken neon sign: Dixie’s Diner. The letter D was the only part of the sign with any light. Lincoln and Nikki must have gone inside and not bothered to wake him.


A bell chimed when he pushed open the diner door. Lincoln and Nikki were sitting in a back booth.

“Thanks for waking me.”

Nikki slid over and made room for him to sit.

“You were snoring,” Lincoln said. “I know better than to mess with sleeping dragons.”

The server came over and took Blake’s drink order.