“There hasn’t been one day since I got elected that some crazy person didn’t want to kill me.”

“But this time, they went after your son. Did you forget that?”


Her hand instantly burned from slapping him. It was an instant reaction and one she didn’t regret at all.

“Do you think I can ever forget what happened to Benji? His life is more in danger now than it ever was because of me. I’m responsible for what happened to him.” She tried to step away from him.

Blake used his arms to brace his body against the wall, trapping her. He bowed low and whispered, “You don’t have to do everything alone. Let me take care of both of you.”

His lips brushed against her neck, and his warm breath was heavy with lust. A chill rocked through her and made it hard to breathe. Her heart thudded hard against her chest. Without thinking, she ran her fingers through his hair and placed her other hand on his neck.

His hard cock brushed against her, and her hand slid down his chest. Her fingertips reached the top of his jeans before she yanked it away and pushed him back.

He didn’t resist but gave her the space to step around him.

“I need to get back to Benji.”


She stopped outside Benji’s door and glanced at him before opening it. “Don’t Blake. I can’t lose focus right now. There’s too much going on.”

Blake stared at her. “You are my mate, and I will not stop loving you or trying to protect you. I understand the weight of the world is on your shoulders. Just know I’m standing next to you and will carry you and all your burdens when it becomes too heavy.” He walked down the hall away from her.

These days, it seemed like she watched him walk away more than anything else. There was no room in politics for romantic love, but Blake filled a hole in her heart that she didn’t know was there. How long could she deny what she wanted to keep Benji and every American safe?

After another fitful night of sleep, Angela walked down to the kitchenette table, where Blake sat, sulking, and Penny was focused on the tablet in front of her. Hiring Penny as her assistant had been one of her best decisions. Angela’s dad asked her to do two things when she won: find out if Elvis was truly dead and hire the daughter of one of his golf buddies. She had been leery, but Penny started with a bang and continued to give more than a hundred percent.

Penny glanced up from the tablet, smiled, and stood. “Good morning, Madam President.”

“Penny, I’ve told you before. You don’t have to stand when I walk in when we’re in my home.”

Penny lowered her eyes. “I’m sorry, Madam President.” She sat at the table.

Angela wanted to remind her that apologizing was even more uncomfortable, but she knew the woman would probably apologize for apologizing. It would start a never-ending loop.

Angela watched Blake drink his coffee and ignore her.


Penny’s phone pinged, and she checked a text notification.

“Uh, Madam President, we need to turn on the TV.”

Angela walked into the living room, found the remote, and turned on the TV.

“Turn to WTFN,” Penny said.

Angela did and sat on the couch.

The two news anchors discussed her accident and the upcoming morning press conference. But then they showed a video someone had taken from a cellphone. The video was horrible quality but showed the explosion and something flying up and away from the blast.

“Is it possible a drone or missile attacked Marine One?” one anchor asked.

“Maria, that’s what we thought at first, but let’s watch this video again after we’ve cleaned it up and enhanced the images. Notice the object appears to be moving away from Marine One.”

They showed the video again, this time in slow motion. A quick flash and, a very detectable man flew away from the explosion.