He bent down and kissed her neck. When her body shuttered, the thoughts of taking her on the table were almost too much to control. “We could skip dinner if you wanted,” he whispered.

She mewled and, in a small voice, said, “Yes, please.”

That was all he needed. He took her hand, helped her stand, and walked back to the bedroom.

“Where’s Benji?” he asked.

“Nikki and a few guards are playing basketball with him in the gym. He’ll be gone for at least another hour.”

He set her on the bed and stood there staring down at her. She had lost weight since they’d come back. She often got so consumed with her work that she forgot to eat. He frequently made her a late-night snack, but she claimed to be too tired to eat. Despite that, she was a magnificent creature. He wanted to run his hands along her curves and feel her full breasts push against him. He longed to see the goose flesh break out on her arms as he caressed her soft skin.

She pushed herself up on her elbows. “Why are you staring at me? What are you thinking?”

He climbed on the bed next to her, resting an arm across her midsection. “I’m thinking about how lucky I am that a woman of your caliber would choose to be with a man like me.”

She rolled to her side, draped a leg over his hips, and ran the side of her hand across his cheek. “You have an incredible soul. I’m the lucky one. I never thought I’d feel like this again, but I do.”

His hand slipped under her sweatshirt. Her skin was warm. He pressed her tight against him and kissed her. Her mouth opened, and she welcomed him. By the love of the Goddess, he’d missed that mouth, the feel of her tongue dancing with his, and the taste of her lips. He rolled on top of her and kissed her harder. He wanted to take in every part of her at once. She wrapped her legs around him and used his body as leverage to raise her hips and push against him, matching his ferocity. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. It had been too long for them.

Angela shrank back and said, “Get off of me.”

He stopped moving and rolled off, concerned that he had hurt her. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

She got off the bed and stood next to it. “There’s absolutely nothing wrong.”

She reached under her sweatshirt and pulled it over her head. Blake watched with constrained patience as she took off her bra and leggings. When he saw she wore no underwear, he couldn’t wait anymore. He quickly took off his clothes and pulled her to him.

“I want you so much, I’m afraid I might not last long.” Blake looked down at her.

Angela pressed him to her and kissed him hard. His hand cupped a breast, and he rubbed her nipple. When she bucked beneath him, he squeezed the brown nub softly at first. When she moaned, he squeezed harder, feeling her warmth against his cock. He lowered his hand to between her legs and ran a finger on the inside of her folds. She was wet and ready for him, but he wanted to please her. He slid off her just enough to have better access and pushed a finger deep inside her. Her walls squeezed around him, and he pushed another finger inside. Angela gasped every time he curled his fingers.

Her breathing grew faster and shallow.

“Open your eyes,” he told her.

She did as he asked, and he watched her pupils dilate as her pleasure increased. Her jaw went slack, and her face softened.

“You are never more beautiful than you are when we’re like this,” he said.

Angela fisted the sheet beneath her and lifted her hips higher. “Don’t stop. Don’t stop.”

But Blake wasn’t ready for her to orgasm. He wanted to make sure every stressful thought was gone from her mind. When he pulled his fingers away, she moaned and stuck out her bottom lip. He kissed her, then said, “Don’t worry, Madam President, my only goal right now is to please you.”

He sucked in one nipple and pinched the other. Angela cried out.

He backed off. “Did I hurt you?”

“No,” she said in a low voice. “I want more. Do it more.”

She reached down and took his cock in her hand, stroking the shaft. He arched his head back, and as his core tightened, and he grew harder. The harder he squeezed her, the faster her hand stroked him.

Between breaths, she said, “I want you in my mouth, now.”

He was eager to comply.

Chapter Seven
