“All you need to know is that plans are in motion and will be completed soon.”

“You’ve said that before.”

“I wasn’t planning on the dragon getting in the way.”

Beatrice sighed. “It seems that Blake Sullivan is in the way a lot. That side of the Sullivan family should all be eliminated. They have been a problem for generations. We can’t do what we need to if he is in the way. Are you sure you can take care of this?”

“You doubt me?”

She chuckled. “I doubt everyone.”

“The president will be handled.”

“She better be, or heads will roll, My Friend. Heads will roll.” She snickered. “Not mine, of course.”

The voice on the other end sputtered some explanation, but she had no desire for more excuses, so she hung up the phone.

“Morris,” she called.

A few seconds later, he entered the office. “Yes, Ma’am?”

“Have you taken care of the Texan?”

He lifted one eyebrow. “Yes, ma’am. I sent one of the animal tamers to his room. By the night’s end, we will have a nice collection of pictures that can be used whenever you desire.”

She clapped her hands once. “Morris, I had no doubt you’d find the perfect way to handle the solution, but that’s even better than I thought. We can hurt him now and later. Which tamer did you send?”


“Good choice.” She leaned her neck to one side and then the other. “I wanted to set up a massage for tomorrow. I need it.”

“I can take care of that for you.”

Beatrice walked to the door. “No, I need to head back to DC early. When will I ever learn never to send a man to do a job that a woman can do better?”

“Job, Madam?”

“Yes, I need to catch a big lizard before he ruins everything.”

Chapter Three


Two Months After Book One

Nothing calmed Angela’s mind like an early morning run. She developed the habit in college and now needed it more than ever. During the three months following the press conference, she attended more meetings and briefings than she had for the rest of her term. This was the first morning in longer than she could remember where nothing was scheduled for her. She wanted to take full advantage of it.

No matter what cover-up story her people created, someone found fault with it or used it to fuel a new conspiracy theory. It seemed like every computer nerd with even a few minutes of free time felt it was their business to question the government. More than one meme circulated of Angela’s stunned face at the press conference, and talk shows still discussed the explosion and the man flying away. Angela missed the days when there was no social media or internet.

She cued up her favorite playlist, reminding her of her home in Tennessee. It was her go-to for times when she felt homesick. Her muscles fought her as she stretched one calf and the other, making her feel old.

Patty, her Giant Schnauzer, stepped up next to her and sat.

“Do you want to go running, too?” Angela scratched behind the dog’s ears.

When the dog perked up and walked in a tight circle, Angela took that as an affirmative.

Blake walked up to them, holding the leash in front of him. “She’s practically begging to go on a run with us.”