“Your great, great, great-” she paused, “- hell I don’t know how many greats. Let’s say I have a history with one of your ancestors, and it’s not a pleasant one.”

“What’s your end game here?”

Beatrice stepped back to lean on the wall next to Heather. “This place serves to bring in a hefty income. You’d be surprised how much money enthusiasts are willing to pay for the thrill of hunting a shifter.”

Blake looked at Heather. “Are you helping her?”

The two women exchanged glances. “Actually, she’s helping me. She gave me the facility and the funding to carry on what that idiot started.”

Blake rushed forward, grabbing the bars. “You’re working with the nanotech?”

Heather’s smile consumed her face. “I am. It’s almost ready to go. It’s really a thing of beauty. You’ll see it once it’s deployed. All shifters will come to heel or die.”

“I’m so hoping we can try it out on you first,” Beatrice said. “But I will take advantage of having a dragon here before you leave. Word has already gotten out that you’re here. I have so many clients who want to hunt a dragon I had to set up a lottery. These hungry bastards are so desperate, they are paying full price just for the chance.”

Blake crossed his arms over his arms over his chest. “I’m not doing anything for you.”

“Oh, but you will.” Beatrice snapped her fingers.

Six guards walked through the door. One of them pointed a tranquilizer gun at what he assumed was Nikki. Her head made a loud thump when it hit the floor. Another guard opened the door while another dragged Nikki’s limp body from the cell. Another guard put a hand under her arm to keep her upright. Two guards dragged Reagan’s body, still in wolf form, from the cell. The last guard snapped a collar around Nikki and Reagan. He pushed a button, and a red light started blinking.

“That collar is connected to this remote.” Beatrice pulled out a metal box from her pocket. She held it out so Blake could see the red button. “If I push this button, your friends’ heads will explode. So, if you want to keep them alive, you must do exactly what I say when I say it.”

The guards left with Nikki and Reagan.

Beatrice said, “I’ve arranged for some food to be brought in for you. Sleep as much as you can. We’ll come to get you when we’re ready.”

She and Heather headed toward the door. Heather stopped and came back to the cell. She leaned on the bars.

“Think I could have a kiss, just for old-time sake?”

Blake’s rage boiled over. He took two large steps toward the bars, reached through, and grabbed Heather’s neck before she even knew what happened.

Beatrice clapped her hands, and a hot, sharp pain pierced Blake’s head. The pain was so intense it brought him to his knees.

“That was stupid,” she said to Heather. “I wouldn’t suggest doing that again.”

Heather held her neck, dropped her head, and ran through the door.

Beatrice pointed to him. “Do not think you can outsmart me. I know what you’re thinking. There is no way out of here. I have a beautiful panther who tried one too many times, and she paid a hefty price.

Blake sneered.

Beatrice walked away.

Blake lowered his head. He was trapped in more ways than just one. He couldn’t make a plan without knowing more about this place, and now he had to be even more careful. He did not doubt that Beatrice would stay true to her word.

Blake startled awake. Six guards stood outside his cell while a seventh banged a club on the bars.

“Wake up, asshole. It’s time for your debut,” he said.

Blake didn’t move. He was not a trained monkey waiting to do tricks on demand.

The guard with the club nodded to another one who held up Beatrice’s metal box. The guard with the club said, “I’m Rex. I’ll be the one who makes sure you do exactly what we need you to do. If you give us any issues, one of my team members will push that button, and those two beautiful women will die. I don’t think you want that on your conscience, do you?”

Rex opened the cell door. Two guards braced themselves and pointed automatic weapons at Blake. Rex held out his hand. “I don’t think we’re going to need those. He’s not going to give up any trouble, are you?”

Blake remained quiet and didn’t move.