“I think we’re close to the fairgrounds or at least in the same city.”

“What makes you think that?” Blake let his head rest on the cool bars.

“I don’t think we’ve been here a whole day yet so that they couldn’t have driven far. I have no idea what time it is, though. There’s some type of spell on this area that’s keeping me from sensing anything.”

“Have any guards been down here?”

“As far as I can tell, they come down here two at a time, on a three-hour rotation. I’ve noticed four different guards.”

“How are you feeling?”

“Like I have an entire construction site in my head. Threw up twice when we got here.”

“Have they brought any food yet?”

“Nah, just some water.”

Blake walked the perimeter of the cell toe-to-heel, hoping to get a better sense of its size. He touched the wall opposite the bars. It was cold.

“We’re on an outside wall. That could be a good thing.”

“I noticed that too.”

“Have you seen any other prisoners?”

“No, but I heard what sounded like other prisoners when we first got here. There must be another set of cells because we’re the only ones here.”

Blake let out a long sigh. “Okay. Let me think a few minutes. There must be some way we can attack the guards when they return. Can you shift?”

“No. You?”

Blake closed his eyes and focused but couldn’t feel any dragon energy. “Not yet.”

A door at the end of the hall opened, and the clap-clap of high heels echoed off the walls. That wasn’t a guard.

“I didn’t believe when they told me they captured a dragon. And then I sure couldn’t believe when that dragon turned out to be my ex-lover, Blake Sullivan.”

Blake studied the woman standing in front of him. She wasn’t the same woman he lived with and loved. She was still stunning, but there was a hardness, a coldness, about her now, and it was obviously weighing her down.

“You look pretty good for a dead woman, Heather.”

Heather let her head fall back, and she laughed. “I wasn’t going to let something as silly as death get the better of me.”

“You became a Tribe witch?”

She held out her arms and twirled around. “I was offered a better life, so I took it.” She leaned against the bars of the cell across from Blake’s. “Imagine my surprise when I learned you were a dragon. A dragon. I always thought you were more hung than any other man I’d been with, and now I know why.”

“Heather, what are you doing? What is this place?”

The door opened, and another set of heels walked across the cement.

Blake did not believe he saw what he saw. How could this be happening? Terror turned his blood to ice. If this woman was involved, Angela was in danger.

“Senator Van Houten?”

Beatrice stepped close to the bars, tilted her head, and smiled. “You are a dead ringer for him.”
