“A dragon, huh?” the other man said. “He doesn’t look big enough to be a dragon.”

“Looks can be deceiving. I mean, I thought you were a good guy when I first saw you,” the first woman said.

The man backhanded her. She bent over, grabbing her face. “Care to change that opinion?”

Blake held out his arms, walking toward the man who hit the woman. It felt like he was walking sideways, and everything was blurry.

The second woman put an arm around the first, and they stepped away.

The second man said, “I can’t believe this one’s still going. He may not be big, but he’s strong. There’s enough in those darts to bring down a one-ton elephant.”

Blake stretched his arm, grabbing for what he thought was the man talking, but he lost his balance and fell against the trailer instead.

The men laughed.

“What’s the matter? Having trouble walking?” one of the men said. “Shoot him again, Billy.”

The second dart entered Blake’s other shoulder.

“Is he the one they wanted?” Billy asked.

“Yep, looks like it.”

“Think they’ll pay us extra for the other two?” Billy asked.

“If they don’t, we’ll take care of them like we took care of that bear.”

The last thing Blake saw was two sets of boots walking toward him with a long rope.

Damn it. Of course, their stupid plan would work.

Chapter Fifteen


Angela watched the raindrops slide down her office window. It had been several days since she returned to DC, and there hadn’t been much downtime. Penny was easing into her new role, but Angela had not filled Penny’s old position yet. She felt stupid getting frustrated for having to do her daily planning. A grown woman should be able to arrange her days and keep her meetings straight.

Doyle sat on one of the couches, thumbing through a magazine. Since returning from Camp David, he’d been reticent and strictly professional. He didn’t make jokes and never shared his opinion. She couldn’t think of anything she’d done to upset him. It was odd, and it made her miss Blake even more.

The quick conversation they had on the phone served only to make her miss him more. She worried about him. There was a nagging feeling in her brain that something was going to go wrong, and he wouldn’t make it back to her.

A knock at her door distracted her.

“Yes?” she said.

Penny pushed open the door and sat on a couch. “Good morning, Madam President. I have three highly potential candidates for you to look at.”

“Are they as good as you were?” Angela sat down on the opposite end of the couch from Doyle and took the stack of papers from Penny. “That’s a silly question. No one will ever be as good as you were.”

Penny’s cheeks pinked. “Yes, Ma’am. I appreciate you saying that.”

Angela set the papers aside, crossed her legs, and leaned forward. “How are you doing with everything? I threw you into the deep end for sure.”

Penny set aside the tablet she was never without. “It’s been an adjustment, but I believe I’m doing well.”

“I knew giving you this role was the right thing to do.”

“I know you have a tight schedule today, but do you have a minute to discuss the candidates?”