“Oh.” Penny bit her bottom lip and lowered her eyes.

“Don’t be sad. I may have hired you to make my daddy happy, but I kept you for me. You have been an incredible asset. I’m not sure I would have survived that first week if you hadn’t been there.”

Penny raised her eyes to Angela and gave her a half smile. “It’s a true pleasure to work for you, Madam President.”

“I hope you mean that because I’m about to ask you something that will prove tougher than anything else you’ve done for me.”

“I’m ready to do whatever you need me to.”

“Good.” Angela paused. “I want you to be my Chief of Staff.”

Penny slightly swooned and braced herself against the desk. “Excuse me, but did I hear you right?”

Angela nodded. “Yes, you heard me right.”

“But I’m not qualified for that job.”

Angela opened the folder again and scanned the papers. “I disagree with you. You have everything I would want in a Chief of Staff. Honestly, the only difference between what you’re doing now and what you would do in this role is that you will work with all my staff, not just me.”

“Um, yes, Ma’am.”

“I know you have connections with almost everyone in this town. You are smart and wise beyond your age. Most importantly, you have proven your loyalty to me, and that’s what I need more than anything right now.”

“I’m greatly honored, Madam President. Again, I’m not sure I’m qualified.”

Doyle, who had appeared disinterested until now, got off the couch and stood by the desk. “Oh, stop with the false modesty. It seems like this is a great opportunity, and you should take it.”

Angela rolled her eyes. “Your job is to protect me, not speak for me.”

He clasped his hands behind his back. “I am protecting you. I’m protecting you from wasting your time.” He pointed to Penny. “Look at her. You can tell by her body language that she’s going to say yes. So, I’m just speeding up this process.”

Angela raised an eyebrow. “Please let me do my job.”

Doyle bowed his head and walked backward to the couch. “Fine, fine, fine. Carry on.”

“Well, how about it,” Angela said to Penny.

Tears welled in Penny’s eyes, but she stood straighter and held her head high. “I would be honored to serve you as your Chief of Staff.”

Angela clapped. “Perfect. You’ll need to get ready to go with us to Camp David. Will you have enough time?”

Penny nodded.

“Perfect. I will write a press release and deliver it before I leave.” She got out of her chair, stood in front of Penny, and held out her hand. They shook hands. “I will come up with a way to celebrate your promotion later. For now, let me say congratulations and welcome to the team.”

“Yes, Ma’am. Thank you, Ma’am.” Penny headed to the door.

“Oh, and Penny,” Angela said, “do you have any connections in Arkansas?”

Chapter Ten


Beatrice’s steps were heavy with frustration as she paced in front of the cage. The cattle prod in her hand constantly reminded her of her mounting irritation. It was the dead of night, and her pounding headache only increased her exasperation. The panther in the cage had pushed her to her limit. Beatrice was resolute. She’d lost way too much money due to the panther’s steadfast need to break the rules, and tonight marked the end of her tolerance.

“I had hoped that maybe, just maybe, you were different than the rest.” She stopped and leaned against the wall opposite the cage. “You cost me a lot of money. I’m not sure how you’re doing it, either.”

The hairs on Beatrice’s arms stood, and a rush of cool air washed over her. The panther’s shift was an awesomely grotesque display of power that fascinated and disgusted her. She’d spent her life trying to destroy all shifters. At first, it was just the need to control their living magic. They viewed their magic as superior to any other supernatural. They were not controlled by it but manipulated their magical gift to serve them. No one understood their arrogance the way she did, not even her sister.