“Yes, Ma’am. As you can see, it was absolutely due to equipment malfunction.”

Angela skimmed the report. At first glance, everything appeared to make sense. “Are you sure?” she asked.

“Yes, Ma’am.”

And, of course, I’m going to believe that.

Beatrice stood. “I will be presenting the report later this morning.”

Angela smiled her best fake smile and stood. “Thank you for bringing this to me, personally. I will make time this morning to read over it.”

As Beatrice reached the door, Angela said, “How is everything in Arkansas these days? I’ve never been there, but I’ve heard great things about the hunting in your state.”

Beatrice turned and gave Angela an even better fake smile. “If you’re interested in hunting, Madam President, visit me for a weekend. I’ll make sure you have an amazing time.”

“Thank you. I might take you up on that soon.”

As Angela watched Beatrice walk out of the room, a thought formed in the back of her mind. It wasn’t a clear idea but rather a murky concept with no form or detail. Something terrible was happening in Arkansas, and she knew in her gut that Senator Van Houten was in the middle of it.

Chapter Eight


Blake stood on Angela’s balcony, watching the city wake up. He was leaving later in the morning, but every fiber in his body told him not to. It was a nagging sensation he couldn’t shake off. Something would happen to Angela, and he wouldn’t be there to take care of her. He also knew she was right. With him around, she would never be able to do her job.

She spent hours the night before sharing her plans for creating laws that would protect supernaturals. He had always believed that supernaturals didn’t need humans to protect them. They were supposed to be superior to humans. And now, for the first time, he doubted that belief. His stomach clenched when he thought of the hunters’ smug smiles as they stood over the dead shifters.

Lincoln later told him they knew who the hunters were, but they were so protected and hidden from the public that they would never get to them. It was impossible to persecute them without admitting supernaturals existed. Maybe Angela was right, and it was time to exist with humans openly.

He closed his eyes and inhaled her scent when she came up behind him and slipped her arms around him.

“Why aren’t you asleep,” he asked her.

“I could ask you the same thing.” She held him tighter. “How long have you been awake?”

He put his hands over hers. “I’m not sure I ever went to sleep.”

“I have another hour before I need to get ready for work. I thought about going for a run, but I could stay here with you.”

He moved her hands off him and turned around to face her. “I don’t want to keep you from something you love.”

“I love you more than running.”

“Say it again.” He hugged her close to him.

“Say what?”

“Tell me you love me.”

“I love you. I love you. I love you.”

“I will never get tired of hearing that.”

Angela turned her head up to see him. “Sometimes I forget you’re a dragon.”

“What do you mean?”

“You are too sentimental, too much of a softy to be a dragon.”