“Fiction. That’s all fiction.”

“But those ideas came from real people. If real people create these stories, then some believe that supernaturals exist. Maybe they even know real supernaturals.”

Blake’s face sobered. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

She got off the bed and faced him, hands on her hips. “Yes, I am serious.”

He got off the bed and pushed past her. “You can’t do that. It would create another witch hunt.”

“There’s already a witch hunt happening. Tristan showed me pictures of those people hunting shifters like wild animals in the Serengeti. Legislation would create laws against that kind of thing.”

“Do you think laws are going to stop that? I can’t believe he showed you those pictures.” Blake walked to the door. “Angela, get that idea out of your head.” He opened it and walked out.

She ran after him. “It’s a good idea. It would help in so many ways.” She stopped. “It might also get me more votes to win a re-election.”

He held up a finger as if to stop her. “Is that why you had that idea? You think it will get you re-elected?”

“It wasn’t my main motivation, but it’s a possible outcome.”

Blake shook his head and walked away.

“Tristan also told me he wants you to go to Arkansas.”

Blake stopped.

“And I think you should,” Angela said quietly.

She wasn’t ready for the hurt in his eyes when he turned around and looked at her.


He shook his head, went down the hall, and went into his room.

That didn’t go well.

She had the thought the previous night, right before she fell asleep. If legislation existed to protect their rights, they could come out and not worry about hiding. When Tristan showed her the pictures of what happened, she knew what to do.

Why couldn’t Blake understand that?

She didn’t want Blake to go because she didn’t want to be with him, but Tristan convinced her he was the best one to help find the people responsible for hunting shifters.

He was being an ass.

Angela marched to his room and banged on the door. “Blake, open up.”

“What?” He opened the door and leaned on the door jamb.

“Why are you mad?”

He didn’t respond.

She threw up her hands. “So, you’re not going to talk to me now?” She walked away.

“Who will protect you?” Blake said.


“If I’m not here, who will protect you?”