Penny walked in with Benji, and Nikki walked behind them.

“Madam President, I knew you’d want to see Benji when he came home,” Penny said.

Angela held out her arms, and the young boy reluctantly let his mother hug him. She tousled his hair. Blake couldn’t help but laugh when he noticed Benji cringe. He knew exactly how it felt to feel like a man but to have a mother who would always see him as her baby.

“How was school?” she asked him.


“Was it good to see all your friends?”


“Were your friends happy to see you?”


“Do you have any homework?”


Angela held Benji at arm’s length. “Did you lose the ability to talk in complete sentences?”

He mumbled something and walked out of the Office. Angela looked at Nikki, but Nikki just shrugged and followed Benji.

“What has gotten into that kid?” Angela asked Blake.

“Maybe he just didn’t want to be mothered.”

Angela put her hands on her hips and looked between Penny and Blake. “Jumping June Bugs. What does that mean?”

Blake smothered a smirk at Angela’s use of her pet phrase. For whatever reason, the proper southern lady in her felt that Jumping June Bugs was the equivalent of what the fuck. He still didn’t know what a June Bug was.

“It means that sometimes he doesn’t want his mother to treat him like a baby,” Blake said.

“Well, he’s not a man yet, that’s for sure.”

“In his mind, he’s starting down that path.” Blake put his hands in his pockets. “Let me get someone to replace me for a few minutes, and I’ll talk to him.”

“I will be fine for a few minutes. You don’t have to get someone to replace you. Goodness, Blake. I’m not helpless.” Angela turned her back to him.

When they first came back, they often argued about it. Over time, she stopped arguing with him and just accepted it. His team was much more capable of handling human and supernatural threats, but even he had to admit they had become more intrusive than when the FBI guarded her.

He stepped out in the hall and asked the bear shifter outside the Office to step inside. Then, he headed toward Angela’s apartment. Tristan stepped out into the corridor from a side office.

“Hey Blake, do you have a minute?” Tristan said.

Blake looked from his brother to the other end of the corridor. “Not really.”

Tristan stepped closer to him and said, “I’d like to introduce you to someone and tell you about a situation that’s happening.”

Blake recognized the tone in his brother’s voice and knew he could not avoid talking to him. He followed Tristan into the office. A ginger-haired man with a short beard stood and held out his hand. Blake shook it and sat in front of the desk.

Tristan nodded to the blond. “Blake, this is Lincoln Talbert. Lincoln, this is Blake, my baby brother.”

Blake scoffed at his brother.

“It’s good to meet you,” Lincoln said.