Angela stood up from the chair and walked to the front of the desk, standing in front of Alistair. “Oh, you mean the investigation that has undergone three reorganizations and has lost vital information numerous times. Tell me again why Operation Excalibur was taken off the investigation.”

“Since working with supernatural beings is still new and unproven, the Security Council felt it would be better to keep it to a human set of investigators.”

“But Operation Excalibur isn’t new. It’s been here for generations. At least, that’s what I was told.” She pointed a finger-shotgun at Alistair. “Let me ask you something. Was this level of incompetence ever an issue when there was a man who sat at this desk?”

Alistair kept a blank face. “I’m not sure what you are implying, but I can assure you the President’s safety is of the utmost importance to everyone around here. Gender doesn’t play into our duty to the Office.”

“Hmm.” Angela checked her watch. “If you’ll excuse me, I have another appointment I need to attend.” She nodded to Blake, who followed her to the door.

“The American people aren’t concerned about you being a good mother. They are concerned about you having a relationship with a-” Alistair paused, “- with a monster.”

Angela spun around faster than Blake could have imagined and walked close enough to him that she could have smelled his lunch on his breath. “What I do in the privacy of my own life is my business.”

“See, that’s your problem, Madam President. You still assume you have a private life. Every President before you understood that before they ever won the election.”

“Yes, and how many of those Presidents stayed faithful to their wives? How many of those Presidents used their Secret Service details to cover up their private lives? This is nothing I wish to discuss with you.”

The tension between Angela and Alistair blanketed the room like toxic smoke. After an extended moment, Angela turned around, waited for Blake to open the door, and walked out of her Office. Then she surprised Blake by walking right back through the door.

“Mr. McCloud, this is my Office. I do not need to leave, but you do because you are not needed at my next meeting.”

Blake wanted to clap and throw a small party. It was about damn time she started taking control of her power. She was the one in charge, and everyone needed to remember that.

Angela stood very still while Alistair nodded once. Blake stepped up behind her and put a hand on her arm.

“Senator Chadwick has already created an inquiry committee.” Alistair walked to the door.

“Senator Chadwick? Does he think he has a chance to be the next President?” Angela said.

Alistair turned and glanced from Angela to Blake and then back to Angela. The corner of his upper lip formed a sneer. “The chances of him winning are getting better every day.” He walked out, closing the door behind him.

She shrugged away and walked to her desk, leaning on the front. “I’m so tired of that man.”

“Then get rid of him,” Blake said.

She narrowed her eyes at him. “You don’t get it, do you? I need him.”

Blake crossed his arms over his chest. “You don’t need anyone who doesn’t respect you, and Alistair McCloud has no respect for you.”

“There is no room for respect in politics. I used to think there was. Ollie and I spent hours talking about the nobility of American politics and how much better the world could be if other countries subscribed to our ideals.” Angela dropped her gaze. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.”

“Why are you apologizing?” He walked toward her, intending to wrap her in his arms. She stepped away and walked behind her desk, sitting in the chair.

“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable by bringing up my husband.” She shook her head and clicked her tongue. “I’m probably the only person who has sat at this desk who has apologized for making anyone uncomfortable. Maybe women shouldn’t be in charge of countries.”

“I have read a lot about Oliver since I met you. He was a great man. I would never be uncomfortable because you talked about the man you loved. He was Benji’s father and your inspiration for taking this job.”

“Do you still miss Lorelei?”

Blake looked away at the mention of his first mate. It seemed like a lifetime ago that they were planning their future. Xerxes ended all their plans.

He let out a loud sigh. “I still think about her.”

“Do you ever think about what could have been?”

“Not as much as I used to.”

“You don’t talk about her much. Why is that?”