This job was too important to get caught up with Tristan. It would demand all her attention. Besides, it would never work out with Tristan. But another incredible night wouldn’t make her too off-track. Right?

She sighed, smoothed down her skirt, and ran a hand over her hair. Then she walked out of the room, searching for something cool to drink, hoping to extinguish the fire Tristan had ignited.

So much for their one-night stand.

Chapter Five


Blake was a patient dragon. He loved Angela with a passion that burned through his soul like lava. No one would keep her as safe as he could. But it was getting too hard to be close to her and a million miles away at the same time. He respected her position and her role as a mother. It had been months since they had sex, and he wasn’t sure how much more he could wait. It wasn’t just sex with her that he missed. It was touching her, holding her, being with her.

He listened to Alistair talking to Angela and fought the urge to punch the guy. Every time he opened his mouth to speak, Blake tensed. Something about Alistair made him completely untrustworthy. Yet nothing specifically stood out, and Angela changed the topic whenever he brought it up.

“Your numbers are the lowest they’ve been,” Alistair said.

They were in the Oval Office. Angela sat on one couch, and Alistair sat across from her. Blake stood close to the window.

“And next month, they’ll be back up. Why should I worry about my numbers? I already have the job.” Angela played with the string of pearls around her neck. Blake noticed she always wore one of her pearl necklaces when she had public appearances, like the swearing-in ceremony earlier in the day.

He fucking loved the look of her in pearls, especially when that was all she wore.

“You need to worry about the numbers because you need to decide if you will seek a second term.”

Angela stood and walked to the back of the desk, sitting in the chair. “Re-election? I’m just now feeling comfortable with this job, and you want me to start thinking about something two years away?”

“The election may be two years away, but people are making decisions about you today.”

“And what decisions do you think they are making about me, Alistair?”

He pushed some buttons on a tablet, walked over to the desk, and showed her the screen. Blake could see over her shoulder. It was a collection of headline pictures from several newspapers. They were not friendly.

Angela took the tablet and scrolled through all of them. She held out the tablet to him. “These are tabloids, not legitimate newspapers.”

Alistair arched an eyebrow, took the tablet, and thumbed through the pictures. “People pay more attention to tabloids than papers like the New York Times. But since you mentioned legitimate newspapers, look at this.” He handed her the tablet again.

It was an article from The Wall Street Journal. “Can Bishop be a Good Mother and the President?”

Blake tensed. How could anyone claim that she was not a good mother? She was a working mother, yes, and she did a damn good job of being both. Tristan had shown him many articles like this one. They all questioned her character without any evidence to support their claims. His brother suggested Blake should let someone else be in charge of her security. He claimed Blake was too close and couldn’t be objective. He also pointed out there were a lot of rumors floating around town about the type of relationship he and Angela had. Blake dismissed them. Angela was his mate, and he was the only one who could keep her perfectly safe. He would never let anyone else take his place.

“So, they don’t think I can have a job and be a mother?” Angela asked.

“You must understand that you are the first woman to sit behind that desk. Most people are still not sure you can do the job,” Alistair said.

Angela glowered at Alistair and steepled her fingers, resting them under her chin. “Then why the hell did I get elected? And it wasn’t a close election. I won by a landslide.”

“That was two years ago, Madam President. Everything has changed since the explosion.”

“Speaking of which, I find it very hard to believe that no one has been able to explain what happened. How is that possible?”

“It has been a top priority since it happened. There is still more evidence pointing to a mechanical problem.”

Blake stepped toward the sniveling man. It had not been a mechanical problem. He had smelled the bomb ignite half a second before the helicopter exploded. Did this man take him for an idiot?

Angela must have sensed his frustration because she held out a hand, stopping him from getting closer. “Alistair, you weren’t there. I was. Blake was there. It was a bomb.”

Alistair’s eye twitch was so slight that Blake would have missed it if he had not been glaring at the man. He would make a mistake at some point, and Blake would surely be there when it happened. It was just a matter of time.

“I’m sure there was a lot of confusion at the time. It would have been too hard for anyone to know exactly what happened. We’ll wait until the investigation is finished.”