A ginger-hair server held out a tray of finger sandwiches. “Would either of you lovely ladies like a sandwich?”

Beatrice said, “No, thank you.”

Giselle reached for a napkin and a sandwich. “I would love one. I’m starving.” Part of a small tattoo showed on the server’s wrist. “Is that a tattoo?”

The server blushed and lowered her eyes. “Yes.”

“May I see it? Tattoos fascinate me.”

The woman balanced the tray on one hand, stretched her arm enough for the cuff to move, and held out her wrist.

The butterfly tattoo was intricate, including a small amount of shadow underneath it.

“That’s beautiful.” Giselle glanced at the Senator, who looked bored.

The server thanked her and walked away.

“I see someone I need to talk to. I’m afraid I need to cut our time together short.”

“Oh, I understand. It was a pleasure to meet you, and I hope to see you again.”

The two women hugged before Beatrice walked away.

“Excuse me, Madam Ambassador.”

Giselle heard someone speaking but wasn’t paying any attention.

“Excuse me, Madam Ambassador.”

A young woman stood in front of Giselle. She stepped to the side to walk around the woman.

The voice came louder. “Excuse me, Madam Ambassador.”

Oh, wait. She’s talking to me.

“I’m sorry. I guess I’m not used to the new title,” Giselle said.

“Don’t worry about it. I’m sure it’s going to be a big change for you. My name is Penny, and I’m the President’s assistant.”

Giselle shook the woman’s hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Penny said, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, too. If you would follow me inside, the President wanted me to give you her gift.”

“Oh, yes, she mentioned something about that.” Giselle walked behind Penny into a small corridor.

Penny handed her a wooden, triangled box. “This is one of the flags that flew over the White House this morning.”

Giselle’s chest tightened, and her eyes started to water. “I can’t believe this. What an incredible gift. How will I ever be able to thank her?”

Giselle felt a presence behind her. Penny’s eyelids fluttered, and she lowered her eyes. “Please excuse me, Madam Ambassador.” She walked away.

Giselle closed her eyes. She knew it was Tristan who walked up behind her. He didn’t say anything or move for a long moment, and his quiet power made her weak.

“Madam Ambassador has a nice ring to it,” he said.

She turned to face him. “Yes, it does. I never thanked you for recommending me for this job.”

“It was a good call. You will be an asset to the job.”