She lifted her eyebrows.

Tristan smirked. “I’m serious. All I want to do is put this watch on your wrist.”

Giselle held out her wrist. “I already have a watch. I don’t need one, especially not one that gaudy.”

He took her arm, removed her watch, and put on the new one. “This is a spelled watch. Everything you wear will shift with you if you need to shift to human form while you wear this.”

“I’m not planning on shifting.”

He closed the clasp. It was a perfect fit.

“You never know when you might need to, and humans tend to be squirmy about nudity.”

She turned her wrist to admire the new watch. It was stunning, but nothing like what she would have bought for herself. Although her income allowed her to buy top-notch items, she lived far below her means.

She had a few memories of her time in Trinidad. They lived in a big house with servants, and her parents threw lavish parties. She would sneak out of the room and hide in the upstairs hallway, watching the women in their fancy dresses and the men in their elegant suits. When they moved to the States, they left that lifestyle behind. Her father made sure they lived comfortably and never wanted for anything, but it was different. However, she learned the importance of saving for the future from him, a valuable skill that served her well.

She pointed to the watch. “This is a spelled watch?”

Tristan held out his arm and showed her the Rolex on his wrist. “Yes, it’s a spelled watch. It’s standard protocol for everyone in Operation Excalibur.”

“Oh, that reminds me. Congratulations on the Director gig. How did Blake feel about being passed over for the position?”

“He’s my baby brother, so of course he’s unhappy about me being his boss. He’s busy these days with the President.”

Giselle got out of the chair. “Yeah, I saw the video from the explosion. That was a bold move.”

“You would have done the same thing.”

She shrugged. “Probably, but I wouldn’t have gotten caught.”

“It’s made a big mess for us. No matter how much we try to sway people into thinking we’re working on new ways to keep the president safe, they believe what they want to believe.”

“I bet. All the tabloids claim Angela Bishop is a lizard, and he’s her lizard boyfriend.” She chuckled.

Tristan stepped into her personal space and looked down at her. She met his gaze and licked her bottom lip. He was close enough for her to feel his breath dance over her cheek. Her heartbeat increased. As much as she wanted to appear as a tough, modern woman who didn’t need anyone in her life to succeed, she was melting into the floor. That one night with Tristan had been the best night of her life. None of the men she’d been with compared to him. She blinked, turned her attention to the watch, and stepped back. Thank the Goddess he couldn’t read minds.

“Um, okay. So spelled watches come with the job. I guess I can do that,” she said.

Tristan blew out a sigh, puffing out his cheeks. “Um, okay. Yeah.”

He put a hand in his pocket, and Giselle thought for sure he adjusted his crotch. Had he been aroused?

Well, that’s hot.

“I guess I need to wear it all the time,” she said.

“That’s the idea. It’s waterproof so that you can shower with it.”

“Okay.” She checked out her reflection in the mirror. A slight pain tugged at her heart. She’d give anything if her parents could be there to see this moment. It was huge, and they should have been there. Hell, her sister could have been there but was off on some crazy adventure.

She sighed.

“Are you nervous?” Tristan asked.

She met his eyes in the mirror. “Wouldn’t you be? Not only am I meeting the President, but I’m being sworn in as an ambassador of the United States. I think I have every right to be nervous. It’s a big job, and let me think-” she tapped a finger on her mouth, “- oh yeah, the last guy to have this position was killed.” She spun around to face him.

“You don’t need to worry about that. Nothing is going to happen to you.” He stepped back and looked her up and down. “You are a stunning woman. I wonder if I made a big mistake by letting you go.”