"If I do, you’ll attach yourself to me. It’s inevitable."
Wow, the ego of this man.
"I don’t fuck virgins," he says slowly, as if I didn’t get it the first time around.
A slow anger bleeds into my veins. "You just ate me out," I snap.
"And you liked it."
"And I want more."
"Which you’re not getting."
I draw a deep breath. Stay calm, stay calm. "So, let me get this right." I shake my head to clear it. "You’re not going to make love to me?"
"I’m not going to fuck you."
Noted. It’s fucking, not making love. Thank you for the clarification, jerkface. Those sparks of anger inside me flare into tiny flames.
"You’re going to tease me and taunt me, but you’re not going to let me come?"
"That’s not what I said."
I squeeze my eyes shut for a second, count back from ten, then lift my eyelids. "I’m not sure I’m following."
"I’m not going to fuck you. Doesn’t mean I’m not going to let you come."
"Then when?" The words are out of me before I can stop myself. Ugh, I sound so dissatisfied and so put off. Where’s my self-respect? How am I allowing this man to dick me around—literally? The flames in my blood fan higher.
"When the time is right."
"When is that?"
"When I decide."
The flames blaze into an inferno. The sadistic bastard. "Let me go." I shove at his shoulder, but I might as well be hitting a wall. Asshole may have left the army, but clearly, he’s working out. "Unhand me."
"You’re not going to let me come right now, you’re not going to fuck me, but you’re not going to release me, either?"
A considering look comes into his eyes, then he nods. "That’s about right."
"You’re so frustrating," I snarl.
"So are you." A look of surprise flashes across his face before that mask, once more, falls across his features.
"I’m not the one deciding not to have sex."
"It’s for your own good."
I scoff, “I bet you’re thinking, right now, that you’re being a gentleman, but all you are is a tease."
"It’s good for your character," he says with a straight face. What the—? Is this guy for real?
"Let me up." I begin to writhe under him. Not that he gives a millimeter. It doesn’t stop me, though. I’m not going to lay here and take his decision as if I accept it. Because I don’t. Not at all. I heave and wriggle and push up into him and hit that thick, hard column in the crotch. I freeze.
"It’s not like this is easy for me, either, but trust me when I say, this is the best thing for us."