"Just as long as you’re Draco in bed, and Harry Potter everywhere else."
His forehead crinkles. "I think I understand what you’re saying. You should know one thing, though."
"What’s that?"
"I’m not ready to sleep with you… Yet."
Before I can say anything else, he’s hauled me to my feet and is striding through the apartment, Tiny dogging his steps. He walks into his bedroom, then glances over his shoulder. “Sit, boy.”
Tiny sinks down on his haunches, and Knight kicks the door shut in Tiny’s face. “Aww, you could have let him in.”
“He’s had his fill of you; it’s my turn now,” he growls.
“Are you jealous of Tiny?” I choke out a laugh.
He huffs, “Of course not.” He heads straight through to the ensuite, where he places me on the counter next to the sink.
"Stay." He points a finger at me, then hesitates. "Please." He shakes his head, the muses, "I think I've been spending too much time around Tiny."
I nod, slightly amused by how hard he’s trying and how out of character it seems. I don’t want him to carry this new side of himself too far. I did say I want a Draco in bed, didn’t I? Do I need to be clearer about what that means? Surely, he understands I like that dominant side of him, and the kinky side of him too, when it comes to fucking me? I do want him to make love to me, but I also want him to take me so hard, I see stars. I squeeze my thighs together.
He arches an eyebrow at that but doesn’t comment. Instead, he pulls out his phone, and swipes the screen. The next second, a familiar tune begins to play over the speakers.
"Is that—?"
He nods. "The motion picture soundtrack from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part Two."
The familiar strains of Hedwig’s Theme fill the space. Goosebumps pop on my skin. The hair on my forearms rises. He tilts his head, and the expression on his features indicates he understands how deeply this music affects me. It reminds me of a time when I was young and innocent, when everything was possible. Everything is possible now, with him, in this space. With this complex man who hides his sensitive heart, I can have anything I want. He leans in, kisses my forehead, then moves away. I watch as he lights the candles he’s dotted around the bath, then retrieves a jar of bath bombs, tosses them into the bath, then runs the water. The scent of roses fills the air, infused with subtle notes of coconut and vanilla.
"You found the ones I love," I murmur.
"I had some help."
He nods. "I reached out to her and told her how much of an ass I’d been. I begged her for help. She didn’t agree, at first; I had to persuade her." He pretends to wipe sweat from his brow. "That woman put me through the wringer with her grilling." He lowers his hand. "I’ve been interrogated by the enemy, but her questions were far more difficult to answer."
I chuckle. "She’s protective."
"She’s a good friend."
"So is Gio. I may not know her well, but she’s turned out to be someone I can rely on."
"I’m glad." He turns off the tap and switches off the lights, leaving the space bathed in the warm glow of candlelight, then walks over and holds out his hand. "May I?"
She places her hand in mine. It’s so slim, so fragile, once again I’m struck by how much smaller than me she is. I tug, and she falls toward me. Instantly, I wrap my other arm about her waist and pick her up. She wraps her legs about me, twines her arms around my neck and nestles in. I carry her over to the bathtub, but she doesn’t let go.
"Sweetheart, you need to release me."
She shakes her head.
"The bath will help you relax so you can sleep well."