"It’s why I make it a point to meet him every morning. We jog, then we go and check in on Bobbie."
I wince. "That’s her name? Bobbie?"
He jerks his chin. "It’s the least I can do."
"And I’m not holding it against you." Except, I am. I don’t know why, but when she said she was his wife, it was as if something inside me broke. Maybe, subconsciously, I knew something like this was going to happen. After all, for the first time in my life since my mother got sick, I'm happy. I was sure I’d found a man I could love for the rest of my life. I should have known better than to believe in that feeling. If things can go wrong for me, they will. Don’t I know that by now? I square my shoulders and paste my usual bright smile on my face. I resolved not to do that again, but this situation, where I find out everything my husband has told me so far is fake, deserves nothing but a fake smile. "Right, then.” I widen my smile until I’m sure my features are going to crack. “So, she’s your wife—"
His jaw tightens. "She thinks she’s my wife. You are my wife."
He rises to his feet and keeps rising, so I have to tilt my head back to see his face. And I’m not going to look away. I’m not. I can see this through. It doesn’t mean anything… Except, it does. The anticipation and excitement in her voice when she announced she was his wife… You can’t fake that. She really does think she's married to him. And what he and I have is a piece of paper telling us we are. He doesn’t love me—perhaps he’s falling for me, but he’s made it clear, he can never love me. Also, he owes it to his friend and teammate to—
"Stop, don’t go there in your head."
"Excuse me?" I say in a very polite voice.
He grits his teeth. "You will not think those thoughts that are going to cause you distress."
"Oh, so now you’re suddenly concerned about my well-being?"
"I’ve always been concerned about your well-being," he says in a hard voice that makes my nerve-endings flare. I push away the desire that coils in my belly.
"You have a funny way of showing it."
"I show you how much I desire you."
"You fucked me. Big deal." I raise a shoulder.
He shoves his hand into his pocket, and it’s the first time I’ve seen him do that. Funny how, in a matter of weeks, I know when his body language gives away his true state of mind.
"I fuck you because that's the only way I can show you what you mean to me," he says in a low voice.
I raise my hand. "Look, you don’t have to try to claim you have feelings for me, because we both know you don’t."
He firms his jaw but doesn’t deny what I said. He. Doesn’t. Deny that he has no feelings for me. I knew it. Of course, I did. But when he confessed to allowing another woman to pretend that she's his wife— It all feels too overwhelming.
"I need to leave." I glance down at my ruined jacket. "Damn it, and everyone outside is going to know what we’ve been up to."
"You’re my wife. Who cares if they speculate what we’ve been up to?"
"I’m also your employee, so I care." I jut out my chin.
"In which case,"—he widens his stance—"you’re fired."
Penny’s bucket list
Type at 250 words a minute (done!)
Have 5 O’s in the course of 1 night (I’ll settle for 1 tbh) => Almost made this one last night when he gave me 4 orgasms. OMG 4 freakin’ orgasms!
Learn to cook a gourmet meal. => I wasn’t very good at it, but it’s the spirit that counts, right?
Act in a movie or a play—I’ll take a street act => It didn’t go down that well. :(
See the London Ice Kings play a game.