"Say it."
She shakes her head.
I glare at her, she pales, then squeezes her eyes shut. "Cunt."
"Didn’t hear you."
"Cunt!" she yells.
That’s when the door opens, and Abby walks in.
"Excuse me?" Abby looks from me to Knight then back at me. "Did you say—"
"Come in, little sis. That’s what Penny was saying, 'come in’." Knight glances sideways at me, "Isn’t that right, Penny?"
Abby’s gaze narrows with suspicion then, to my relief, she nods. "So, have you discussed the list of attributes of your to-be-wife with Penny yet?"
"We were getting down to it when you walked in."
"There’s no getting out of this. You know that, Knight, right?" She walks over to stand next to him. "If you don’t find a wife and get married in the next month, you know Dad will not hesitate to disown you."
Knight’s jaw firms, a vein pops at his temple, then he jerks his chin. "A wife within a month and spawn on the way in the next year. That’s what he wants. That’s what he gets."
Her features soften. "I’m sorry our father doesn’t seem to understand what you’ve been through. Any other father would be worried about you and try to give you space to recover completely. In fact, he’d have stopped you from joining the company and told you to take some time to recuperate."
"And you think I’d have listened to him?" Knight’s lips curls. "Also, I debriefed before I returned to London."
"For forty-eight hours. You were a prisoner of war for six months, Knight. Six months—" She locks her fingers together. "And then, you come right back and do the one thing you were against all your life. Working for our father."
"I thought you wanted all of us to get along?" Knight tips his head.
"That was when I thought our father was changing. He met me and Cade and told me he was sorry for not doing his duty as a father. He vowed he was going to be different. And everything he’s done seems to point toward that. But then, not only does he not tell you to take time off and get to grips with what you went through, but he also puts pressure on you to get married. I tried changing his mind on it, but to no avail. He’s adamant that you settle down. He thinks it’s going to help you process what happened to you." She shakes her head. "I wish there was more I could do to help Knight, I do."
"But you have already." He reaches out and pats her shoulder. "You suggested I get Penny to take on the role of my personal assistant. I can’t tell you what a great addition she’s been to my team."
"I have?" The words slip out before I can stop myself.
"Indeed." Knight nods, and looking at Abby he murmurs, "She’s been indispensable when it comes to helping relieve some of the stress I’ve been carrying."
I bite the inside of my cheek. Did he imply what I think he did? No, there was nothing sexual about his words, was there? And he wouldn’t say something so suggestive with his sister in the room… right?
"In fact, she’s been indispensable when it comes to being a sounding board for my plans for mergers and acquisitions. She’s the reason I’ve been able empty my… mind enough to focus on my job."
OMG, he paused after 'empty my.' How could he? And all that talk about mergers and acquisitions? Only he could turn business language into smutty talk. And of course, he’s worded it all in such an innocent manner. If you weren’t looking out for it, you wouldn’t be able to find fault with his words. Abby has no reason to be suspicious of anything he says. In fact, her features light up. "Oh, I’m so pleased it’s all working out." She takes his hand in hers. "I truly am, big brother. I was so worried about you, but now, I can relax a little."
"You should thank Penny for her acts of assistance," he says in a tone that is so sincere, I almost believe him. That jerkface! Acts of assistance, indeed.
"Oh, I will." Abby releases his hand and steps back, then walks over to me. "I am so grateful for what you've done, truly."
"Uh, I… I haven’t done anything."
"Of course you have. You’ve put up with his mood-swings and grumpy tantrums, and you’re able to hold a conversation with him. You’re the only one in this building, other than me, who has the courage to talk to him."
Not like I have a choice. But I’m not going to tell her that. I flash her a smile. "That’s me, always able to tame the lion in his cage. It takes a Barbie to subdue the wild beast, huh?"