“I think you’re forgetting one.” She jumps out of her seat and walks towards me. I hold out a glass of wine by the stem.
“Isn’t it the most obvious?” I bring the wine to my nose and give it a sniff. I’ve spent more than enough time among sommeliers to know what to do, but if I’m honest, I don’t know the first thing about wine. It does do a damn fine job of adding dramatic pause, though. “Your screams of absolute pleasure while you orgasm on my cock.”
“Oh…” Her cheeks burn the crimson I’m getting used to seeing on her. “You had my interest, but now you have my attention.”
Josie takes the glass of wine and brings it to her nose the same way I had. Her face scrunches at the scent, but the disgusted look doesn’t deter her from taking a sip. She leans forward on the counter, her cleavage practically spilling out of her dress and giving me a great view of her breasts.
“Why don’t you prove it then?” Bravado carries on her voice, eager to move this thing along.
“No, not yet. First, we wine and dine. Our food won’t be as good cold.”
She’s been nervous from the moment we got to my car. A quivering lip, shaky breathing at the comments of our evening, and so on were dead giveaways. I can understand it, I suppose. It’s her first time. And I want to indulge her every whim before pumping her full of my seed.
In the back of my mind, I still regret doing anything with her in that changing room. I should have waited until this moment. Made every aspect of her first taste of delight as perfect as possible.
“So please, find a seat at the table. I’ll be with you shortly,” I say.
Josie listens, drifting from the living room with slow hip-swaying steps.
Dinner comes and goes with another glass of wine and a flirty yet modest conversation.
“The food was wonderful, thank you.” I set my knife and fork down on the plate.
He doesn’t respond immediately. With the pause comes a twinkle in Luca’s eye. At first, I suspect it has to do with what comes next. Him leading me to the bedroom, stripping me of my dress and having his way with me. The thought tears me up inside. I can hardly breathe, so excited for what’s about to happen.
But those aren’t the eyes of a predator on the prowl, no matter how badly I want to see it as so. They’re…soft. Knowing.
“You don’t have to be nervous, Josie,” Luca says. He cups one of my hands in his and gives it a gentle squeeze.
“It’s that obvious?”
He nods. “I can understand why, but there’s no reason for it. I’m going to take it slow, ease you through, and make it as comfortable as I can. You’re mine now.” Those words still leave me breathless. “And you’re going to be treated like the princess you are.”
Tears of joy well in my eyes but I fight them back. A strong will isn’t enough, and I dab beneath the lids with my free hand to get whatever water forms away. “Stop. You’re going to make me ruin my mascara.”
“Prematurely, maybe. But your make-up won’t look the same at the end of the night,” he teases. “Another glass of wine?”
His question breaks the mounting tension, and I bet it’s one of his ways to keep me at ease.
“You know I’m not twenty-one yet, right?” I ask, declining the offer.
“Old enough to carry my child in your womb but too young to sip vino?” Luca scoffs. “Absolutely preposterous. Under my roof, you have the reign of this kingdom, and don’t let anyone make you think otherwise.”
“You’re child, huh?” My teeth sink into my lower lip. Why is every word out of Luca Palermo’s lips so fucking hot?
His stoic façade breaks into a sheepish grin. “Oh no, it seems I’ve spoiled the surprise.”
He’s so well put together, intense, confident. I’d be happy to be submissive and breedable, as long as he’s the one pumping me full of cum.
“Come with me.” Luca stands, never breaking our grip.
“Where are we going?” I know the answer, but the question feels like a good way to stall for time. I’m ready and want to give myself over to him, but this is the biggest gift I can hand to anyone.
I’ve thought about it for years. Delved deep into my own imagination and played with the many ways this interaction can go down. I wanted to be here, proud and confident without fear or care in the world, but it’s so much harder than movies make it out.