Page 39 of Sunstone Sacrifice

The strength of this man does something carnal to me. I desperately want to explore that and so much more in the days and weeks to come.

He must smell my arousal because he pegs me with a sultry smile and arches a brow. “All right there, mate?”

Good Gaia, what is this unity bond doing to my libido? Maybe I’ve gained succubus powers since bonding with Rune.

Is that a thing?

I take in my Viking partner in all his glory and draw a steadying breath. Other than him wearing his blond hair loose from its braids today, he looks the same. Our evening on the club couch and him giving me a mind-blowing orgasm while he fed from me hasn’t changed anything.

Has it?

Yes, our bond is thrumming between the three of us now, but did drinking my blood give him any supernatural ability? Do they really need me here?

“All I’m saying is to really consider it,” Elara says to me. “Please. It would be so great.”

It would. “I’ll think about it, but don’t get your hopes up.”

“Too late.”

I sigh. “Yeah, I figured.”

She shrugs, sending me a sheepish smile. “If I’m being honest, I already kind of looked into it. Warlock Crane said?—”

I cut Elara off at the mention of my warlock lawyer. “You talked to Callius about this before you asked me?”

“Sure. We go to him about all kinds of things. After all, he’s Callius Crane: warlock of the ten parishes.” The way she says that makes me wonder what I’m missing.

Rune snorts. “Worst commercials ever.”

“I think they’re catchy.” Elara laughs, raising her hands in a dramatic, theatrical sweep as she speaks. “For the creatures of shadow, and those who roam the night, one warlock will stand as your solicitor. Callius Crane: warlock of the ten parishes.”

When she finishes, Rune and I both stare blankly at her.

“No? You seriously don’t love them?”

I can’t imagine. “Callius has a commercial? How does that not break the veil of secrecy?”

If there was a list of things not to do as a warlock—or any other supernatural creature—broadcasting our existence city-wide to humans through their TVs would be somewhere in the top five big no-nos.

Rune waves away my concern. “The whole thing is spelled so only supernaturals see the real video—humans see a regular old paralegal ad. Both are cheesy as hell.”

Elara giggles. “Anyway, the point is, he’s agreed to handle the legal side of things. All you have to do is give the go ahead and we’re set.”


Could it be that simple?

No. I stop that line of thinking immediately. It’s not that I don’t love the idea of staying in New Orleans—being in the land of my ancestry brings me a sense of rightness I’ve never experienced before—but it isn’t an option.

Grand-Mère and I had a life together. We have a business to run. And how could I ever give up my beautiful cottage home in Leeds to live surrounded by the death and violence of vampires and wolves?

No. I can’t imagine a life here, despite the lure of the incredible connection with Mother Gaia. “I’ll help until things are sorted here, but Adelaide’s shop is all yours, Elara.”

Tavor squeaks when she bolts upright in her chair. “There’s no way I can manage on my own. I’m still a novice.”

I get the feeling there’s nothing I can say that will end this conversation other than agreeing, which I can’t do. “Is there anything else you want me to do before Rune and I head out?”

Elara deflates. “Nope. You two are good to go. I have one more order to finish packing, then Tavor and I are outta here, too.”