Page 5 of Sunstone Sacrifice

Josie meets his gaze and softens more. “We are, but I promised the Moon Witches I would at least hear them out. You three got here before we’ve even spoken.”

The young witch places a pale hand on the lacey sleeve of her aunt’s dress. “Josie’s vampires came for her, just like she said they would. That means they must love her. Like Perseus and Andromeda. It’s true love.”

True love? This kid’s got a lot to learn about the world. Especially if she’s comparing real life to Greek mythology.

“Don’t be naïve, Violet,” her aunt scolds. “The vampires came after Josephine because they view her as their property. They want her to increase their own power.”

“Yer wrong,” Finn says, pressing his palms against the barrier as his flesh sizzles. “Not that our relationship is any of yer business, but yer wrong.”

The elder of the Moon Witches passes her gaze over Rune and Fintan and then zeroes in on me. “Wait outside until our discussion is complete. Josie is free to make her choice after that.” She shoos us away with a wave of her hand.

I bristle at her dismissal. “Are you even aware of who is darkening your doorstep?”

She laughs. “I know exactly who you are, Sebastian Fontenot. You may parade around masquerading as King of the French Quarter, but you are a long way from your kingdom, and you are no king of mine.”

I chuckle. “That’s easy to say while locked safely behind a shield of magic. How about you come out here and say that to my face?”

I flash my fangs for good measure, suddenly more interested in tearing out this witch’s throat than keeping the peace.

“For Gaia’s sake, Sebastian. Would you stop antagonizing people?” Josephine’s tone is the same as a parent scolding a child, and I turn my fangs her way.

“Of course you paint me as the bad guy. It seems your opinion of me hasn’t changed since finding out the truth about your parents.”

Her gaze narrows. “Old prejudices die hard, I suppose.” She turns back to the Moon Witch. “I’m sorry. The King of the Quarter has no manners.”

The woman shrugs. “He’s your burden to bear, not mine. If you wish to go with the vampires, I’ve already given you my word that you are free to leave at any point. If not, we will find you a safe place to stay.”

Something about the witch’s words nags at me, irritating like an unscratchable itch.

“I don’t trust her,” Rune breathes so softly that only Finn and I can hear.

Josephine offers the witch a soft smile. “I appreciate the offer, but I’ve been running and hiding since I was four years old. I’m tired of it.”

“Very well. Then we should move along with our discussion and let you get back to your life.” The witch retakes her seat, smoothing her dress on her lap. “Do you intend to eavesdrop?”

Josephine sighs as she looks over at the three of us crowded in the doorway. “They don’t need to eavesdrop. We are unity bound, so they will find out whatever you tell me, anyway. You might as well let them in.”

The leader’s lips purse as she considers Josephine’s words. “Do I have your word that if I remove the warding, you will not harm me or mine?”

“Does our word mean anything to you?” Rune asks.

Josie lets off a frustrated sound and shakes her head. “They really aren’t all that bad—well, Rune and Finn, anyway. Sebastian is as bad as they say, even on his good days.”

I peg her with a look that speaks of all the ways she is going to be punished for this.

“His majesty would probably prefer to stay outside anyway, so he doesn’t have to commune with us common folk.”

Something flashes in her gaze as she stares at me. Does she really think our bond protects her from my nature? “You think you’re funny, little witch, but let me assure you, you’re not.”

Though, I don’t miss the slight smirks curving the mouths of my two enforcers.

I clench my jaw, swallowing my annoyance. “You have my word that none of you will come to harm from any action from me or mine.”

The gray-haired woman glares at me for a long moment before she finally gives in. “Fine, but if you make one move against me or my coven, I will not hesitate to put you down. This is my territory.”

I can’t hold back my laughter. “I would love to see you try.”

Finn rolls his shoulders, the tension easing out of his body ever so slightly. “Everyone, relax. We just went toe-to-toe with the leaders of two supernatural factions. We’re not here to start another brawl so soon.”