Page 19 of Sunstone Sacrifice

Is he asking me to choose between them? Do I want to risk that? Finn warned me that his brothers may not give me a say in the matter when they claimed me.

“Are you afraid of me, Josie?”

I want to deny it, but he would sense the lie. Just his low, rumbling voice is enough to raise the hairs on my arms. “There are moments…when I feel vulnerable. You are a vampire—an old and powerful one at that.”

He shakes his head. “If you feel vulnerable, it’s even more reason for us to move forward. Your blood made Finn stronger, and he made you stronger in return. What you did at the crypt was the power of the unity bond.”

Was it? Is that where my sudden necromancy power came from? If so, I’m even more hesitant to complete the bond with another vampire.

Cool fingers brush down my cheek and send tendrils of pleasure straight into my soul. “Josie, I ache for us to complete the bond, but if I’m being honest, I ache for you too, cher. Not because you’re a witch or because you’ll make me stronger. I want you—Josephine Dumont.”

Rune is saying all the right things, but the truth is, I don’t believe him. Sure, he wants me, but he wants what my blood could do for him more. That’s the difference between him and Fintan.

Finn sees me. He wants me. He cares for me.

Rune has moments, but he’s still calculating the advantage of completing the bond with me.

“Rune, don’t.” I raise my hand and step back to put some distance between us.

A sly smirk spreads across his face. “Are you telling me you don’t want the opportunity to heighten your magic? Can you just turn that down and walk away?”

I sigh. “Why does everything have to be about attaining as much power as possible? You, Egan—even Adelaide was corrupted by the pursuit for more power. That isn’t what the unity bonds are supposed to be about.”

Rune’s lips curve into a half-smile, his gaze unwavering, locking me in place. “Aren’t they?”

“The unity bonds are a gift from Mother Gaia.” Even as the words leave my mouth, I don’t believe them. “That isn’t something to be taken lightly.”

“No, it isn’t. But imagine the strength we could possess—you and me. You said it already—this connection between us is literally a gift from the gods. Why should we walk away from that?”

I look away before he traps me in his thrall. My mind is racing with conflicting thoughts and emotions. My heart hammers wildly behind my ribcage, but it isn’t entirely fear.

Rune won’t hurt me.

At least, I don’t think he will.

“Think about it, Josie. A boost in power might just be the key to achieving your revenge.”


He chuckles and takes a prowling step forward. “Don’t deny it. I’m no stranger to the pursuit of exacting revenge against those who have done me wrong. It’s only natural that you want to avenge your parents.”

I’m too stunned to even deny it.

“Why not take advantage of the opportunity given to you—to us?”

When he says it like that, it’s easier to clear my mind. “No. I don’t want you to drink my blood—at least not for those reasons. Not now. Not like this. You’ll have to give me time.”

“I can’t do that, Josie,” he says, still advancing. “You could’ve been killed tonight. Finn found you, and we were lucky it was the Moon Witches who took you. What happens next time when it’s the wolves or another faction?”

Finn will find me.

Of course, I can’t say that without driving a wedge between the two of them and making this a pissing match.

“Josie, it’s time to seal this bond between the two of us. You feel it—the faint whisper of me in your head. It’ll be so much stronger once I feed off you. We’ll be stronger to face what comes next.”

I don’t disagree. Being stronger certainly has its appeal, but am I ready for more vampire in my life? Whether it’s now or later, it’s going to happen. I have no illusions about that.

So, why not now?