Page 82 of Sunstone Sacrifice

“You might want to take a few steps back. Most of NOLA hates me.”

She shrugs. “Nope. I’m your witch sidekick. When you become the HP, I’ll be your VP.”

“Vice priestess?” I guess.

She points two fingers at her eyes and then mine and back again. “See? Our mental wavelengths are already merging. I’m sure our two heads put together can figure out how to navigate all the political intricacies and responsibilities of leading a coven.”

I snort. “I’ve never had a coven, so I’m pretty sure I’m the last person who should run one.”

“Or you’re exactly the person.”

I take another sip of my tea. “Even the thought of it makes me want to puke.”

Elara presses a hand on my arm and releases a wave of calming warmth. “You don’t have to put my name on a ballot or anything. What I’m saying is that I’ll be there to help you. You’re not alone.”

How many times has Rune said that to me in the past few days? “Rune thinks I’ll make a good high priestess.”

“Because you will.”

“Finn, too…I think. Mostly, he’s worried.”

“I’m sure it was hard having you witchnapped and then watching you taking hits at the first trial.”

“I’m sure it was.”

Sadly, I conked out in the car, got sucked into Sebastian’s dream, and have been reeling all day. I haven’t had the chance to catch up with either Rune or Finn.

“I know that look.” Elara points at me and waggles her brows. “You’ve got some dirty ideas forming in your mind. Come on, give me the dirt, spill the tea, air the dirty laundry. How is it going with your trio of men? Inquiring minds want to live vicariously through your sexual escapades.”

I laugh and hop off my stool. “Yeah-no. Our tea session has come to its end. I’m going to take what you’ve said to heart, gather my Celt, and see where that leads us.”

Elara grins. “May it lead you to many hours of orgasms.”

I wave over my head. “Good night, Elara.”

“Good night, HP Josie.”



Ifind Finn sitting in the narrow pathway between Elara’s garden beds, halfway to the back of the property. He’s hunched over with a finger pressed against the dirt, a line of ants trailing around the alien obstacle.

“Are you bothering the ants?”

A few of the most curious ones break off from the parade, climbing up to check out the vampire.

“I don’t bother them, luv, I study them—and the bees.” Finn points with his non-ant hand to a fat leaf of a lemon balm plant where a honeybee is taking a break from collecting pollen.

“Is this you being bored?”

He shakes off his hand and stands. “Not at all. It’s been centuries since I last navigated the world in daylight and basked in the heat of the sun. I consider it a gift—yer gift to me.”

Standing only inches apart, I see the emotion swirling in his red-tinged eyes just before his gaze drops to my lips.

He’s hungry. He wants to kiss me…but more importantly, he wants to feed.

I don’t need the unity bond to feel the desire he holds in check. But Finn promised not to push. He promised to give me time to adjust. And true to his word, he has.