Page 60 of Sunstone Sacrifice

“Beatrix Theriot.”

More lights flick to life around the room, one after another, each witch calling out her name and earning a short round of applause and the occasional cheer.

“Does anyone else wish to put their name forward?” The elder witch asks once the volunteers have slowed down.

Heads around the room swivel, looking for any more lights to join the sea of color, but no one else puts their name forward.

“Josephine Dumont.”

Excuse the fuck out of me?

My name rings out, echoing in my head. I didn’t say that—I know I didn’t—but it sounded exactly like me. Even the orb of pink light that bobs near my shoulder feels so much like me that I second-guess myself and think maybe I’m conjuring it subconsciously, but no.

My head whips around, looking for the source of the voice. Sudden movement from above catches my attention, and I crane my neck to follow whatever it is. It’s then that my gaze lands on Phi, my wannabe raven familiar, perched in the shadows above us.

I can’t speak to her like Rune can, but I swear the raven’s intelligent eyes gleam with a knowing mischief. I don’t know how she managed, but I know this is her doing.

Before I can figure out how to even begin explaining the mistake to the elders and the rest of the coven, the room dissolves into unintelligible shouting and general confusion and chaos that kick starts my anxiety and tightens my chest.

“Is that allowed?” One voice rises above the rest.

Does the stupid bird understand what she’s just done?

“She isn’t part of the coven,” another cries.

If they didn’t hate me before, they do now.

Why did Phi do this to me?

My heart quickens, my lips tightening into a thin line beneath my mask as I consider possible motives. Is this her strange ploy to make me accept her as my familiar? Could Adelaide still be controlling her familiar through the veil?

I don’t let myself go down that thought path. I could spend all night putting intention behind the action, but with a demon the ‘why’ could be as simple as she wanted to.

Finn grabs my hand, but not even his touch can cut through the choking nausea as that nightmare moment comes true and hundreds of eyes turn in my direction in a single synchronized motion.

“Get me out of here,” I plead quietly.

His grip tightens, but he doesn’t whisk me away with stomach-turning vamp speed like I want. “It’s too late for that, luv,” he whispers, emerald eyes shining in apology.


It’s more than a command—it’s a single word spell that makes me flinch and plummets the entire building into a silence so absolute, my ears start ringing. Everyone’s attention is drawn to Francine as she rushes forward to quell the chaos that I am once again at the center of.

Why couldn’t I just have a single peaceful night of drinking and dancing?

“The elders will discuss and come to a consensus on whether Miss Dumont should be allowed to put her name forward.” Her gaze zeroes in on me for a heart-stopping moment before she turns her back to the room, off to decide my fate.

And there goes my plan of blending in tonight.


“Rune,” Sebastian calls my name as the four of us make our escape from the crowd of witches in an uproar over Josie’s surprise bid at high priestess. “Find that demon.”

Honestly, I’d like to know what the fuck is going on, too. Phi will be lucky to walk away with her life after the four of us get through with her.

“On it,” I say, but there’s no need for an exhaustive search.

The heavy flapping of wings draws my attention to the far end of the long hallway behind us. The raven in question swoops from up near the domed ceiling down through the open doorway of a dark room.