Page 56 of Sunstone Sacrifice

I turn back and find that I’m alone. I twirl on the spot, searching for Finn, or Rune—even Sebastian, but there are too many people to pick them out in the crowd.


I’ve somehow lost all three of my vampires.

“Josephine Dumont.”

I spin at my name being called and take in the Amazonian goddess that stands before me. At least, that’s what she seems like. The witch towers over me, and reminds me of Wonder Woman with dark hair pulled back into a stylish pony, and muscles that compliment her curves. Her figure is accentuated by a crimson dress—shiny panels of silk wrapped around her body like she was sewn into it.

“Summer Saint-Clair,” the woman introduces herself. “We haven’t had the chance to properly meet since you came to town.”

I have no idea whether Saint-Clair is a name I’m supposed to know or not.

I was praying that I would be able to avoid the political side of tonight’s event. I worry now, perhaps that was wishful thinking on my part.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Summer,” I say with a slight nod, hoping to skate through this conversation as smoothly and quickly as possible.

It’s difficult to read her expression behind the lacey black and red mask, but she accepts the handshake with a nod of her own, her grip firm and measured. “I suppose I’m expected to say the same—that it’s quite an honor to meet one of the infamous Dumont women—sadly, I can’t.”

So much for smooth and quick. Where’s Rune’s good luck medallion when I need it?

My mouth gapes for a long moment while I search for words to bridge the gap and dissolve the frost that Summer is bringing to this conversation.

“There’s no expectation at all. We’ve never met, and I just arrived, so I don’t know what I could have done to offend you enough to form a negative impression of me.”

I regret sounding catty, but oh well. She insulted my family first.

“No, we haven’t met, but every witch in New Orleans knows the Dumont traitors who betrayed them—your grandmother, your mother, and by extension, you.”

I stare at the rhinestones surrounding the eyes of Summer’s mask for a long moment, trying to push down the anger that swells in me.

It doesn’t work.

Instead, it comes spewing out of me in a rush. “My mother and my grandmother did everything in their power to protect their sisters and end a bloody war. My mom was murdered by Adelaide in a power grab and my grandmother gave up everything to protect this coven, and?—”

Summer interrupts me, barking a humorless laugh. “You can’t honestly believe that.”

“You can’t honestly believe they were traitors.”

Summer laughs again. “Of course they were. Claudette and Celine all but signed our magic over to the vampires and the werewolves, and you’ve gone over to the fanged side too.”

“I’m not on any side.”

“Says the woman who arrived with the Quarter’s three most powerful vampires on your arm like the power slut you are.”

My fingers curl into fists and it takes everything in me to be the better person. I told the boys I don’t want any drama tonight.

That goes for me too.

“We’ll have to agree to disagree.” The ‘go fuck yourself, bitch’ is implied but not spoken.

Her cold gaze focuses on something over my shoulder. Fintan is coming towards us. Rune isn’t the only one who cleaned up well tonight. Finn looks just as impressive as his sire.

His green tartan kilt compliments his copper hair, and the yellow detailing and matching mask makes his emerald eyes shine.

Finn cuts into the conversation at the exact perfect moment. “Sorry to interrupt, ladies. I hoped that Josephine would join me for a dance before the festivities of the night begin.”

He must have been listening in. Or maybe he felt how uncomfortable Summer was making me across our bond.