Page 51 of Sunstone Sacrifice

“That’s okay, you can hold onto it; I doubt Naomi is going to want it back now anyway. We’ll save that outfit for a date at the club.”

Josephine’s heart rate spikes at the thought, and I scent a hint of fear from her, but more than that, intrigue and arousal.

I shouldn’t be surprised. She did warn me she has a list of things she’d like to try out in the bedroom. I should have asked her what’s at the top of that list.

I curse myself for not showing more enthusiasm. I hope Josie doesn’t take that to mean I’m not interested in exploring those things with her. I would try anything once if it meant holding onto Josephine.

“What are the three of you doing?” Sebastian storms into the room wearing a crisp black suit and matching mask with a single black feather—simple, yet stylish. “We are going to be late for this stupid party.”

“It’s not a party,” Josephine snaps at him, struggling to turn around in however many layers of material is weighing her down. “It’s a farewell to our high priestess.”

“The one who tried to kill us all,” Sebastian deadpans. “I’m aware.”

Josie holds up a pointed finger. “You better be on your best behavior tonight. Otherwise, you can just stay here by yourself.”

His gaze darkens. “I was originally hoping for a nice, quiet night in, but now that you mention it, I think I will come. If for no other reason, I do enjoy annoying you.”

I roll my eyes. Our king excels on that front.

“And don’t think for a moment that I’ve forgotten what you did to me in front of those Moon Witches, little witch. That will be addressed.”

Josie has the good sense to look abashed. “It had been a very bad night, and you deserved it. Although, I didn’t mean for it to get away from me. I am sorry for that much, at least.”

I meet Rune’s gaze and though it’s good she sees the err of her actions, Bas isn’t one who will let her off that easy.

Rune jumps in to change the subject and gets us back on the most immediate problem. “None of us will be going anywhere if we don’t get our witch into an event-appropriate outfit.”

Sebastian looks over Josephine’s attire with a frown. “Wait here.”

Josie flinches when he flashes out of the room, still not used to vampire speed. Or maybe it’s Sebastian she isn’t used to. “Whatever he brings back can’t be as bad as Rune’s pick,” she says.

That’s true, but I have other worries on my mind right now.

“Maybe it would be best if Sebastian didn’t come with us tonight,” I say carefully. “He hasn’t been himself, and your first foray back into the witching world isn’t the best place for him in his current state.”

“Has he been getting worse?” Josie looks between me and Rune.

“I don’t know about worse, but he sure as shit has gotten no better.” Rune frowns at the empty doorway. He told me about him acting weird down in the tunnels last week.

There are moments where I’d swear the guy is haunted and barely hanging on by a thread. I’m worried we won’t be able to stick our heads in the sand much longer.

Josie meets my gaze. “If he can’t handle going to a party, do you really think it’s a good idea to let him continue to be King of the?—”

“—and if they don’t have an open bar at this thing, I’m going to riot,” Rune interrupts loudly, tapping his ear and tipping his head toward the door, “And apps. I’m going to gorge myself on some fancy finger sandwiches.”

“Please, for the love of Gaia, don’t embarrass me tonight,” Josie says just as Sebastian zips back into the room, a pristine garment bag flowing behind him.

If he overheard our previous conversation, he shows no sign of it.

“Here.” He thrusts the bag at Josephine. “Put this on and let’s get going,” he says in a tone that brooks no argument.

Josie takes the hanger from him and unzips the bag a few inches to peer inside. I get a peek of pink, or maybe purple, before she zips it up again. “This? Really?” Josephine looks at it with clear reservations. “You don’t think it’s a little…”

“A little what?” Sebastian challenges.

“Nothing.” Josie quickly shuffles back behind the changing screen with Sebastian’s dress in hand, leaving the three of us to wait silently.

I rise out of my chair and start to pace, the vortex of emotions in the room all flaring within me at once.