Page 41 of Sunstone Sacrifice

“I bet you’re excited about tonight then,” Francine says, and I struggle to remember what we were talking about.

“Tonight? Getting my butt whooped by Rune?”

Elara and Francine look at me with the same bewildered expression.

“He’s teaching me how to fight,” I clarify, flushing from root to tip when I realize how that must have sounded.

They’re still giving me that same look.

“Why are you staring at me like I just suggested we go skinny dipping with the penguins in the Arctic Ocean?”

“Actually, penguins don’t live in the Arctic.” Rune shrugs at the way the three of us turn to stare at him. “Life with Fintan has taught me a lot.”

“Swimming with the sea lions then,” I amend. “That works. Right?”

“Don’t ask me. I only know about the penguins.”

“They do this a lot,” Elara whispers to Francine.

The other witch studies me and then busies herself by digging around in her purse. “I assumed you knew, but considering the circumstances…Ah, here.”

She pulls out a simple square of cardstock and hands it to me over the counter. “We’re putting on a grand event to celebrate Adelaide’s life and her dedication to the coven.”

I blink at the invitation. “Why would we do that?”

“Why wouldn’t we?”

“Because she hired Egan to end the Dumont bloodline to take control of the coven. Because she’s responsible for the slaughter of my parents. Because she betrayed everything we stand for and was working with the wolves up to the night of her death. Do you really believe a grand celebration is something she deserves?”

Francine studies me for a long moment and then replaces the flower into the box. “It’s unfortunate that Adelaide let herself be corrupted, but she still deserves the funeral rites of a Tremé witch.”

Unfortunate? That’s not the word I would use to describe someone who orchestrated the deaths of multiple innocent people.

“The ball isn’t only about Adelaide,” Francine continues. “Tonight will also begin the process of choosing a new high priestess.”

The anger that swells inside me is incredible. “And hopefully, the next one won’t sacrifice her sisters to further her greedy plans for power and political standing. What are the screening requirements, anyway?”

Elara takes the ferret off her head and sets him on the counter. “Technically, the High Priestess is the most powerful witch in the coven.”

“So, all a witch has to do is kill the ones stronger than her and she’s a lock,” Rune says.

“That is a very oversimplified view,” Francine pegs Rune with an unimpressed gaze. “But not entirely incorrect.”

“Shouldn’t someone’s moral strength be taken into account in equal measure?” I ask.

“And how do we determine that?” Francine asks. “This is how it’s been done for generations, and before now, there’s never been such a problem.”

“But now that you see the flaw in your selection process, make adjustments.”

Francine shrugs. “That’s not up to me. If you’re so invested in the process, you’re welcome to join us tonight.”

“Good times.” Rune bows with a goofy grin. “I would be happy to accompany you, Miss Dumont.”

Francine’s mouth tightens into a pursed line. “It’s a witches only event.”

“Don’t I get a plus one?” I ask.

“You would if you had been invited.”