Page 38 of Sunstone Sacrifice

And if I must be protected, at least my bodyguards are easy on the eyes.

As if to prove my point, Rune bends to set the desk down in its new home. From my position by the door, I get a full view of his muscled ass.

“I don’t understand why you care to make this place your responsibility. The bitch had your parents murdered. I say let the place rot.”

“It’s not that black and white.”

With Adelaide dead, someone must look after the shop and Elara didn’t want to be that someone.

Not alone, anyway.

No matter how much of a double-crossing bitch Adelaide turned out to be, the hole she left in the witch community is a huge one to fill.

Adelaide’s Herbs and Gift Shoppe has been an anchor for Tremé’s magical population forever. It’s a destination for all covens throughout the city—Sun or Moon—and the source for any and all things a witch could want. Herbs and flowers, crystals and cauldrons, candles and oils, and the odd talisman. It’s all found within these walls.

“Like it was meant to be there,” Elara says, coming out of the back room and flopping down on the chaise lounge I had Rune bring up earlier.

Tavor, her ferret familiar, scurries after her and curls up by the crook of her elbow with a series of squeaks.

“You should totally take over the store for good with me, Josie. You know what you’re doing.”

“I definitely don’t,” I protest.

Sure, I’ve picked up a few things about running a business by helping Grand-Mère over the years, but running a funeral home and running an apothecary are two completely different things. For starters, the latter sounds infinitely more fun.

“We could be business partners,” Elara squeals, working herself up. “Come on. We both know you want to.”

“It’s not a bad idea,” Rune says from the top of the stairs, hauling in the leather chair that goes with the desk.

“Yes, it is.” I shoot him a look that he misses, turning his back to me to set the chair in its place. I’m still new to the whole unity mates thing, but I’m pretty sure us being connected means he’s supposed to be on my side.

“Sorry,” I apologize quickly to Elara, praying to I haven’t just hurt our friendship. “It’s just that I’m not sure what my plans are. I was only coming to America for a long weekend and still have commitments and a business and staff back home.”

“But you want to, right?” she presses.

I can’t help but laugh. “If I were to stay in New Orleans, I would one hundred percent be renaming this place Elara and Josie’s Herb and Gift Shoppe.”

Rune gives me a look. “What makes you think Finn and I will let you leave us?”

I roll my eyes. “I may have extended my trip when I agreed to help the Moon Witches, but I can’t stay indefinitely. Sooner or later, my duties here will be complete and I’ll have to go back to England, where I belong.”

“You belong here,” Rune says.

“At least you could,” Elara adds, teaming up with him. “I’ll even let your name go first. Josie and Elara’s Apothecary.” She spreads her hands out as she announces the name, and it’s so cute I have to fight not to take her up on the offer.

I don’t want to shoot her down, but I don’t want to get her hopes up either. “I can’t take anything more on right now. I’m sorry.”

Elara’s expression falls.

No, don’t get sucked in by those puppy dog eyes. I’ve got too much on my plate as it is.

Rune tugs me close, wrapping a possessive arm around my middle. It shouldn’t make me as warm and tingly as it does. “We just found you, drengr. We won’t let you get away that easily. I may have to tie you to my bed and hand feed you all your favorite foods to keep you from leaving.”

He’s joking—at least I think he is.

It’s not like my mind hasn’t already gone there. I’ve wondered if Fintan, Rune, and Sebastian will let me leave. I don’t think they would lock me back up in the dungeon if I tried. I also don’t think they’d hold me prisoner just so they could drink from me to boost their own power.

When I push against Rune’s hold, he only resists for a moment—just long enough for me to feel the flex of his muscles before letting me go.