Page 35 of Sunstone Sacrifice

“You’re the one who made things difficult, brother,” the Celt accuses cooly, eyes returning to the page of his book.

He can act as unbothered as he wants, but Rune and I both feel animosity wafting off him like the stink of a skunk.

Finn may be an empath, but he has a hard time disguising his own emotions.

“So, you’re the only one who’s allowed to act on the bond?” Rune rumbles. “What makes you so special, brother? And don’t give me some ‘I saw her first’ bullshit. The new moon bound all three of us to Josephine, not just you.”

“I know that.”

“Then stop acting like you don’t, because Sebastian is next up at the plate.”

I scoff. “I don’t fucking think so.”

Rune and Finn both turn a confused gaze my way. Oh, look. I’ve united them once again.

“You won’t drink from her?” Rune asks.

I thought my comment made my position on the matter clear. Apparently not. “I have no intention of ever completing the unity bond. Tried it once—didn’t care for it. Hard pass.”

Rune props his concrete fists on his hips. “What the hell are Finn and I supposed to do?”

“You two are already bound to her. What do you care if I opt out?”

“It was destined by the ritual. Josie is ours to claim and to protect.”

I roll my eyes. “Most Sun Witches have one match. Josephine already has two. I’m sure it won’t matter if I decline from participating in the bonding experiment.”

“What if it’s not complete without all four of us?” Rune asks. “What if we’re not…connected like we’re supposed to be for what’s to come?”

“Can you feel Finn in your bond with Josephine? Are the three of you connected?”

Rune blinks and tilts his head as if he hadn’t considered that. “I dunno. I didn’t try.”

“It’s not the same as with Josie,” Fintan answers, “but I can feel Rune through the unity bond.”

“You can?”

Finn keeps his face neutral as he regards Rune, the Celt’s irritation so potent it taints the air of the room. “I felt it the moment your fangs pierced Josephine’s skin and every moment since.”

He shifts, and my gaze is drawn to the book he has tented over his lap.

Rune notices too and scoffs. “You were spying on us and getting off on Josie’s pleasure? Could you tell I fucked her with my fingers? Could you feel how hard I made her come?”

Finn grimaces. “Do you always have to be so crude?”

“Says the selenophile,” Rune shoots back.

“The what?” I ask, more baffled by Rune’s use of a twenty-point Scrabble word than anything.

Finn rolls his eyes at his sire. “A selenophile is someone with a fondness for the moon. You meant scopophiliac.”

“Yeah. That.”

“And now I’m regretting trying to broaden your vocabulary.” Finn turns to me. “He’s calling me a voyeur, a peeping Tom.”

“If the fang fits.”

“First of all: that’s not a saying. Please don’t try and make it one. Second: it’s not like I wanted to be in on the experience. It just…happened. And once I was in, I couldn’t pull myself out.”