Page 3 of Sunstone Sacrifice

He had to have known it was there, otherwise Fintan would’ve already torn through the place and whisked Josephine away to safety.

All this happens in the few seconds between Finn kicking in the door and it hitting the back wall with enough force to shake the entire cabin.

The thundering crack of wood sets time hurtling forward again as the gathering of witches spin towards the noise, seemingly moving as if connected via hive mind.

“Intruders!” a panicked female voice shouts from the cluster of women.

“Vampires!” a second warns over the first.

With impressive speed, the Moon Witches raise their palms, ready to take us on. One of them is more eager than the others, not waiting for us to make the first move.

The room crackles with energy as she hurls a roiling ball of sparking magic our way.

“No, don’t!” Josie yells.

I recoil from the incoming blast, shielding myself from the glaring light that misses its mark and explodes against the wall beside the broken door. Impact detonates the magic into a spray of light before fizzling out pathetically without causing a single scratch or burn.

I snicker at the complete ineptitude.

As if these witches could handle three vampires.

Take away the force field and Fintan, Rune, and I could tear through the whole of them in under five minutes. Less if we hadn’t just fought a grueling battle against the Algiers pack alpha and the High Priestess of the Sun Witches.

“Are you all in one piece?” Josie asks, peering over to study us.

Rune scoffs. “Did you doubt our superior strength and skills?”

“Of course not. But things looked a bit hairy when I got poofed out of there. What happened?”

“Your spell,” Finn says, choosing his words carefully. “It gave us the upper hand and put an end to things shortly after you were gone.”

“An end to Adelaide, specifically,” Rune clarifies. “Without Egan there to back her up, it was easy work for Bas to stick her with his sword?—”

Finn pegs him with a glare. “A little tact would go a long way right now.”

Rune shrugs. “Sorry, that sounded more sexual than I meant it.”

Finn shakes his head. “I meant tact in the sense that Josie cared for the woman.”

Josie’s expression falters. “Adelaide is dead?”

A murmur of shock spreads through the cabin.

“Enough!” A voice cuts through the moment and drags our reunion to a grinding halt as all attention turns toward the command.

The witch who spoke slams her palms against the stump table with a dull smack as she stands, frizzy gray hair fanning around her gaunt cheekbones. Something about her triggers an odd sense of familiarity, but even as I wrack my brain, I can’t place her.

Having lived for hundreds of years, the faces of those I’ve met blend together—just another flaw of immortal life.

“This is no place for vampires,” the leader says.

“Trust me, lady, we don’t want to be here.” Despite Rune’s casual tone, red bleeds into his hazel eyes. “We came to rescue our witch, so if we could forgo the pissing match and be on our way with Josie, that would be peachy.”

His toothy grin is more sinister than charming when paired with the dangerous red glinting in his eyes, but I’m the only one who takes notice.

The focus in the room is on Josephine, still seated at the table, elbows propped up on the wooden surface. “Stand down, boys.”

She seems unfazed by the standoff and way too cavalier for someone who has been kidnapped three separate times in a single month.