Page 29 of Sunstone Sacrifice

“Rune!” Josie hisses, arching into the slight prick of pain that I quickly soothe with my tongue. When I do it again, I make a mental note that our little witch likes a pleasant ache that fades to pleasure.

Her chest is rising and falling with quick breaths and even though my eyes are glowing red, there is only a raw desire in her gaze as she swallows.


“Are you sure?” My voice is deep and twisted with need, my fangs aching worse than I ever thought possible.

“Please.” She closes her eyes and tilts her neck back to give me access.

I couldn’t resist if I wanted to.

And I don’t want to.

In one racing heartbeat, my fangs are latched onto her throat. In the back of my mind, I wish I had the patience to make this sexy and romantic, but I’ve lost my hold on civility.

I crave her like nothing else and sink my teeth through the velvet film of her skin with a hunger that is born of desperation.

“Rune!” she gasps a breathy moan and I twist to lay her on the couch beneath me.

Warm, spicy blood floods my mouth, and the magic in her system fizzes on my tongue like the most decadent champagne. Her arousal and heightened adrenaline have her heart pumping fast and rush after rush of ambrosia fills my mouth and coats my throat.

The bond thrums louder now, insisting we fully accept one another. It pounds inside my chest, demanding to be fully realized. It’s a no-brainer for me. I’m never letting Josephine Dumont out of my sight. The question is, does she feel the same?

With my head spinning with the high of Josie’s blood, I slow my feeding and give her my full attention. I want this to be good for her.

No, it needs to be amazing for her.

Reaching down her body, I slide my hand into her workout pants and beneath the elastic of her panties. Her folds are soaked, and I thank Oden, Gaia, and whoever else had a hand in this for the gift that is my Sun Witch.

Hell yes, I accept her. I’m honored to have her and will spend every moment of my eternal life caring for her.

My chest grows warm, and the sensation spreads outward to my extremities. At the same time, a sweet, almost spicy scent of something like cinnamon and clove oozes from my skin.

Josie draws a deep breath and moans. Her body quakes in my arms, and as her orgasm takes hold, she buries her face in my chest.

I curl two fingers through her folds and then glide them inside her entrance. She arches into the intrusion, giving her pussy something to grab.

Fuck me.

As the spasms of her release grip and pulse, I wish it was me inside her. It will be. Next time. And the time after that. And the time after that…

A surge of intense magic envelopes the two of us as the unity bond solidifies. It’s incredible and unnerving all at once and leaves us both breathless and dazed.

Retracting my bite, I pass my tongue over my puncture holes and pay reverence to the gift I’ve been given. When I think I’ve got my emotions locked down enough not to do or say anything embarrassing, I ease back and meet her gaze.

Our eyes lock, and we share a moment of realization. It’s done. We’re connected now—wholly, irrevocably connected.

I lean down and brush my lips over hers in a gentle caress. “Damn, that was hotter than all nine hells combined.”

She laughs and I collapse onto the outside of the couch beside her, blocking all view of my beautifully spent Sun Witch. She passes a gentle hand over my denim-clad erection and sighs. “It couldn’t have been that hot if you didn’t come.”

I capture a swath of fuchsia hair and brush it away from her beautiful face. “I was more focused on you getting off. Trust me, that hits my top twenty list of sexy times.”

“Top twenty?” The pang of jealousy that flashes in her dark eyes is too fucking adorable.

I chuckle and lean over to kiss her cheek. “All right, top ten.”

“It’s fine. This ranks in my top twenty too. It’s not a hard hurdle to jump. In all my twenty-nine years, I’ve only had two long-term boyfriends, and one of those relationships was long distance. Not a lot of opportunities for chart-topping sex there.”