Page 28 of Sunstone Sacrifice

Shifting in his lap so we’re face-to-face, my thighs straddling his, I peer into those deep hazel eyes and grind against the front of his pants. “Show me what a unity bond with Rune Leifson looks like.”



Finally. I’m not quite the caveman brute that people make me out to be, but if I didn’t make some headway with my fierce little witch soon, I was going to go feral.

That thought makes me think of Sebastian, and I shudder. We can’t have two of us going mad—that would be beyond dangerous.

“Make me yours, Viking,” she gasps, reaching between us to grab the outline of my steel cock where it threatens to tear through the confines of my jeans.

I groan and grind my hips into her palm. “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to hear you say those words, my sweet, gorgeous Sun Witch.”

I move her hand off my cock and onto the button of my jeans while I shift her up and down my shaft. Her breath hitches, the thin nylon of her workout pants offering her no protection against what’s waiting for her.

She lets off a groan as I hit her sweet spot and spread my thighs. With a firm hold on her hips, I control her movement as our groins grind together in glorious friction that has both of us gasping.

“Tell me you’re mine.” The words tear out of my throat as the burn of my eyes flipping to vampire red takes hold. My fangs are descended, and I let her see the full effect of what she does to me. “Say it.”

She sucks in a breath but doesn’t falter. “You are mine and I’m yours.”

Fuck yes.

I grip the back of her neck and crush our mouths together. The kiss is possessive and bruising, but there’s nothing to be done about it. I’ve held back for so long, I’m possessed.

This is happening.

She’s finally fucking mine.

I lick into her mouth and swallow the cry of her desire as she opens up to me. She clings to me with as much desperation as I feel, her fingers digging into my arms as she crushes herself against my chest.

The ribbon that bound us thrums between us, as if it knows what’s coming next. My entire being vibrates with the rightness of it, every neuron of my being on fire with need.

My rhythm matches the steady thump of the bass that vibrates the walls of the club, quickly ramping up as my pleasure rises.

I need her now.

There’s no way I’ll make it back to our rooms at the Elysian. I’ll lose control and take her on the way. This couch is better. I don’t want our first time to be in the fucking tunnels.

Decision made, I tease at the hem of her top before pushing the fabric up, revealing her sports bra and the peaked nipples beneath.

Is it the cool air of the club against her bare skin or arousal that has her in such a state? She shrinks back and crosses her arms over her breasts, glancing around the club.

“Forget about them.” I grip her wrists and move her arms so they’re around my neck. She takes the hint and grips my hair, pulling until my scalp stings. “Yeah, that’s it. It’s just us here. No one cares what we do.”

And it’s true. Club Sanguine is about seizing whatever pleasures you desire. The other patrons aren’t paying us any attention.

I continue to kiss her, rubbing my thumbs over those tight peaks until she’s lost in my touch and relaxes against me once again. “Fuck. If your mouth tastes this good, I have a feeling your cream will bring me to my knees.”

Gripping her ribs, I raise her up and press my face into her cleavage. Drawing my tongue down the valley between her breasts, I taste the salt on her skin, her exertions during sparring, flavoring her to perfection. And, as amazing as she tastes, she smells even better.

Her skin carries the unmistakable spice of magic, mixed with the freshness of citrus and the earthy scent that is all her.

It’s fucking addictive.

With my face pressed against her sternum, I angle my mouth, catch her bra with my fang, and slice down, cutting the fabric keeping me from what I want.

My mouth is on her breast in the next moment, a growl ripping from me as I pluck at her nipple with my teeth.