Page 21 of Sunstone Sacrifice

Josie has more power than she knows. A part of her remains untapped and I saw a hint of her potential in the mausoleum when she made Egan turn and run scared.

I plan to draw it out of her. Here and now.

“Wait here,” I instruct Josie before striding up and onto the rounded stage, empty of performers at the moment.

Placing my thumb and index finger to my lips, I let out an ear-piercing whistle that cuts through the chatter and hushes the room. Being the wee hours of daylight, the club is sparse of patrons—most vampires tucked away in sleep.

Three sit at the bar, with a few others coupled off at various tables and couches around the room.

“Good evening, friends and enemies,” my voice cuts through the air like a blade, drawing all eyes toward me. “Today, I offer you a unique challenge—an opportunity to witness the true power of a Dumont witch in action.”

The rhythmic thud of music sets the backdrop for my announcement, the anticipation of the crowd almost palpable.

Okay, maybe that’s just me.

I reel myself back in and calm down. This is about more than entertainment—it’s a calculated move, a display designed to prove a point.

“What are you doing?” Josie’s heart flutters nervously in her chest as she watches, the sound like the flapping of a panicked bird’s wings.

“You wanted an opportunity to test your abilities. Here’s your chance.” I step aside, gesturing for Josie to take center stage.

She shakes her head at me, and I raise a brow at her in challenge. “Is our deal void, then?”

The spotlight shifts, the red-tinted bulb illuminating the battle between uncertainty and resolve in Josie’s gaze. She takes a deep breath and squares her shoulders before stepping up to the edge of the stage.

I give her an approving nod and offer my hand to help her climb onto the raised platform, but Josie ignores me and pushes herself up without my assistance.

“We could’ve just sparred in the courtyard back at the hotel,” she says, her gaze flicking out at the audience of curious faces. “You didn’t need to create a whole spectacle out of it.”

“It’s not me you’ll be going up against today.” I see the question mark beginning to form, so I answer before she can ask, throwing my voice across the club. “Whoever wants a taste, come and get her. The dinner bell is ringing.”

Josie gapes at me, and I face the crowd to hide my amusement.

“Yessir, for a limited time only. This deal won’t last forever, folks. You’re gonna want to get yourself a piece of this Dumont witch while you can. Her blood is like nothing you’ve ever tasted. Absolute magic.”

I have yet to have the pleasure of Josephine’s blood coating my tongue, but don’t doubt it’s exquisite. How could it not be?

Her very presence demands attention.

“What in Gaia’s name are you doing?” Heat simmers in Josie’s black gaze. She means to look intimidating—and she does—the look enough to send a lesser man turning heel or whimpering at her feet.

It’s sexy as hell.

Moments like this convince me I’m the one meant to be bound to her. When I wind her up like this, she looks like she could stomp a god through the chest with her heel. She has a commanding presence even before her magic is considered.

Being fierce is simply her nature.

“You said you wanted to learn. Here’s your chance.” I stretch my arms wide, gesturing to the surrounding room, giving her some targets to direct that anger towards.

Her gaze sweeps over the club, and the uptick of her heart rate echoes in my ears. “You mean get sucked dry by a handful of vamps.”

Maybe it was a mistake to draw her attention to the onlookers.

Too late now.

“It will be much more real for you if it isn’t me. If we spar, there will always be a part of you that knows I won’t hurt you.”

She blinks. “You give yourself too much credit. I’m not sure I trust you either.”