Page 16 of Sunstone Sacrifice

What if Lilian and the Moon Witches are right? What if the bonds between witches, vampires, and werewolves can be broken? What would that mean to me? Would I go back to Europe and forget everything about the nightmare of New Orleans?

The idea of never feeling the connection to my ancestral magic again pierces me with a stabbing ache. And even if I could give that up, what about my mates?

Wait. Mates?

When did I start thinking of them like that?

Images of Finn and Rune fill my mind and the idea of leaving them steals my breath. Is that real or simply the influence of the unity bond?

And then there’s Sebastian.

If the unity bond includes the Bastard King, how can I reconcile myself with wanting the other two? Not that Sebastian has shown any interest in completing his end of the bond…

I’m hoping if neither of us wants it and we don’t act on it, it will fade.

“Is that even how it works?”

I groan. I have no idea.

I don’t know how any of this works.

And what am I supposed to do with all my anger and hatred toward Sebastian now that I know he didn’t kill my parents? He told me that a dozen times, but I refused to believe him.

I think, somewhere deep inside me, I wanted it to be him, so I had someone I could direct my hatred and anguish toward.

But it wasn’t him.

Everything I thought I knew, I don’t. My head is a jumbled mess of things I grew up believing versus what I’m learning is real.

This entire mess—witches being exploited and dying—was caused by Grand-Mère and her friends.

I’m so angry about that, I don’t know how to process my emotions. My entire life she raised me to believe the vampires were the root of all evil, but in truth—beyond the violence of the war they were trying to end—it was the witches and wolves behind it all.

My gut twists with equal parts betrayal and guilt over that. I’ve been taking my lifetime of hostility and grief out on the wrong people.

Vampires don’t deserve my fury. And, if I’m being wholly objective, Sebastian was wronged as much, if not more, than me.

The woman he was bound to was murdered and from what Fintan says, that is from where his madness stems.

Something broke in him when his Unity Witch was murdered. Am I the remedy to his suffering? Can I bring him back from the dark place he resides? Do I care enough to try?

If this were about Finn or Rune, the answer would be yes. I see the ruthless vampire side of them, but I also see the men behind the fangs.

When I look into Sebastian’s eyes, all I see is a black, empty void of chilling hatred and violence.

Fucking Adelaide.

All this because she wanted to be the High Priestess of the Sun Witches of New Orleans? She plotted with Egan to wipe out the Dumonts. For what? Did that make her a better witch? Did Mother Gaia reward her for her treachery?

Thoughts of Mother Gaia fill me with anger and shame. How could tethering witches to be used, degraded, and slaughtered by other supernaturals be her will? That is not the loving Earth Mother Grand-Mère taught me about.

But if it’s not her will, why hasn’t she stepped in to help them?

And if her will truly is all, what happened back at the cemetery? Why would she grant me the power to raise the dead? Am I being punished?

When Lilian Beauchamp and her Moon Witches teleported me out of the Dumont mausoleum, I was unleashing a side of my powers I had never tapped into.

It sickens me.