Page 110 of Moonstone Maelstrom

I’m thinking that no, maybe I didn’t. I don’t blame her, though. Our life in England was separate from our life in New Orleans. The people we had been were left behind and reinvented.

I love the life we had, just the two of us.

“Was there anything else?” Finn asks, moving to sit next to me when I sink onto the leather sofa.

I force myself back to the present. “Just one thing… there isn’t a way to undo a unity bond. Once the ribbon emerges and ties a witch and a vampire together, that’s it. It’s a lock.”

“So, we’re pretty much at the same place we started,” Rune says.

I shake my head. “Not entirely. I found a few useful spells. I just need to pick up a few supplies. Also, I know someone who might help us figure out this three-way unity bond. Are you boys up for a little shopping?”

* * *

With a mix of excitement and trepidation, I lead Finn, Rune, and Sebastian through the busy streets of the French Quarter and into Tremé, heading towards Adelaide’s Metaphysical Gift Shoppe. Despite the gravity of the purpose of our visit, it feels good to have a mission—a purpose. And with any luck, Adelaide will give us some much-needed information on our four-way unity bond.

The air is thick with the scent of herbs and latent magic as we step inside the enchanting store, greeted by the sound of a gentle bell announcing our arrival.

“Bon nuit,” Adelaide calls from further inside the shop. Her friendly customer service smile drops when she sees the four of us.

“Josephine,” she breathes my name, coming around the counter like she’s seen a ghost. “There you are, dear. Warlock Crane said you didn’t show up for your meeting. He feared you were missing. I didn’t believe him until I saw the state of your house and—where have you been, child?”

I glance at my companions, feeling their presence beside me as a solid comfort. “It’s been a long few weeks.”

Adelaide nods, her knowing gaze sweeping over each of us. “I sense that the new moon has brought about a significant shift.”

First thing’s first.

“We need herbs for a ritual,” I explain, carefully choosing my words. “And yeah, we could use some advice.”

“The bond between you and the vampires is deeper than any of you initially thought.”

Rune, Finn, and Sebastian exchange glances, and I can see a mix of curiosity and uncertainty in their eyes. The new moon’s influence has been undeniable, drawing us closer in ways we hadn’t expected.

“Let’s start with your supplies. You’ve brought a list of the things you require, I presume?” Adelaide holds her hand out to me and I fish around in my shorts pocket, producing a crumpled piece of scrap paper and handing it over.

Adelaide shoos us upstairs to wait while she gathers everything. There is a small kitchenette, so I set about brewing a pot of tea, my mind wandering.

“Are you all right?” Finn startles me from my thoughts, appearing suddenly right next to me.

I open my mouth to say that I’m fine, but what’s the point? He knows when I’m lying. “Oh, you know, just the usual: overwhelmed and stressed to the max.”

“I can help you with that.” He offers me a hand, and I don’t hesitate to take it.

As soon as we make contact, a soothing sensation flows from Fintan into me, spreading up my arm and into my core and continuing until it fills all of my extremities, banishing any and all negative emotions.

“Mmm,” I moan appreciatively. “That’s nice. Thank you.”

Finn squeezes my hand, a smile crinkling the corners of his eyes and drawing me into their emerald. “Any time, lass.”

A chair creaks as Adelaide joins us.

Fintan’s head whips around at the noise.

“Here are the ingredients you’ll need,” she says, lying out a selection of jars across the huge wooden table she uses as her workspace. “Elara is out in the garden collecting the rest of it.”

“Jeez,” Rune says, stepping up behind me. “Are you planning to buy out the entire store, Josie?” He plucks a jar labeled adder’s tongue from the clutter, lifting it up to inspect the contents.

“That’s quite a list you gave me,” Adelaide agrees. “What do you need all this for?”